How will my parents react to me having sex?

ok, not to long ago i had my gf’s cll phone in my pants pocket but i knew i gave it back to her but she still wanted me to make sure so i called and got my sister to look in my pants and it wasnt there like i knew it wouldnt b. but my sister found sumthin else, a empty condom rapper. and then another one in my trash that i had hid pretty well…my brother told me bout this, this morning and said that he thinks she may had told my parents b/c sum how he thought they knew about it…my sis or parents hadnt said anything to me bout it yet and im kinda worried bout it….i dunno how they r gonna react to it…my gf is 14 and will b 15 in feb…im 18…ive been tellin them i wouldnt do that the wholle time i have been havin sex with her..we love each other very much tho and we kno it was the right choice..wut should i do, wut would b the worst thing that could happen? should i confront them first or just wait…ill prob wait either way tho so nvm that…i dunno wut do yall think.

Answer #1

ok my me and my bf were in the same position it awful does your gf know about the condom wrappers being found ? if not tell her then both of u sit you parents down and just explain to them that you love her and she loves you and you really want to make something out of it if they are ok with it ask them what they want to do about it like if they want her parents to know if they do its better for you to sit them down the same has your parents i know it sounds really hard but you will feel so much better after this im 15 and my bf’s 21 and we did this and both of our parents were cool with it well not at first but they realised that we did love each other just make sure you two really do love each other and u do want to make something out of this let me know how you get on with it and good luck xxx

Answer #2

Bad situation here. First off you sat down with your parents and made them a promise you knew you had no intention of keeping. Therefore their trust in you is going to be pretty well gone now.

Secondly, what’s the worst that could happen? Her parents find out, flip, and have you sent to prison for raping their daughter (shes under 18 so she can’t legally consent to sex.).

Conceivably, -depending entirely on how her parents react if they find out- this could screw you for the rest of your life. Having to register as a child sex offender and having everyone in every community that you ever live in know that you are for the rest of your days.

I have a friend whose 14 year old little sister just got pregnant by her 19 year old boyfriend after they’d sat down with them and promised they weren’t having sex. He’s now sitting in a cell awaiting his day in court despite the fact that his girlfriend is screaming bloody murder about it.

What should you do? Depends entirely on how you think her parents are going to react. Think they’ll take this badly? Badly enough to send you to prison? DON’T tell and stop screwing their daughter until you two can do it without threat of you going to prison. Think they’ll be pissed but not pissed enough to get the authorities involved? Tell them then. Read this situation carefully because I can’t stress to you enough that you most certainly CAN go to prison over this, so move CAREFULLY.

Answer #3

u should stop dating her because u can go to jail for having sexwith her and u should not tell her parents unless u want to go to jail u should try and date someone ur own age.

Answer #4

wow you are in a pretty bad should talk to your girl about telling them and work a date out you can tell them its better for u to tellt hem before they confront u about it. i hope this helped!

Answer #5

yeah ur screwed, but b4 u do anything u have to make absolutely sure that ur sister told them cuz if she didnt then u would just tell on urself if u went to ur parents, and im sure u would feel like an idiot if u went and told them and ur sis hadnt said anything to them about it, but after ur absolutely sure that she told them then u can do something drastic like confront them, but im sure ur parents dont want u to go to jail so even if they know they wont say anything, they will probably make u stop seeing this girl but u just better hope they dont tell her parents cuz if they arent cool with it then there will be nothing u or ur parents can do and ur ass is going to jail, but this previous commenter is right u should tell the girl that the rappers were found

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