What if my 1-year-old son hates whole milk?

My son turns one next week. We have tried to give him whole milk and he hates it. what can I do?

Answer #1

OR give the milk with something else like cereal or in his food or something like that. Keep trying hij on it because maybee hes just getting used to it. hope this helps x

Answer #2

if he hates whole milk that much use soya milk but make sure you give him lots of foods with whole milk in it.

Answer #3

My daughter didn’t like cow’s milk at first but soon developed a taste for it. If you are going with cow’s milk most nutritionists recommend whole milk at least until 2 years of age then going to 2%, 1% then skim.

Answer #4

yea you can try diferent kinds but I think slowly starting him on it works but then again my son will eat or drink anything but according to this show I watched called the truth about food they tested kids on diferent habbits so from what I learned on that show I would say if he was youst to formula give him some of that and alternate it or mix it togeather slowly putting more and more milk in it and eventually he will learn to like it milks important try cutting down the juice and giving him water theirs no need for anyone to have juice anyways you should give him more water that way he looks forword to drinking his milk cause its something different then water

Answer #5

Have you tried giving him 1% or a different kind of milk? Or organic instead of regular milk? There are also soy products that will give him the vitamins, nutrition and calcium that whole milk offers…you might try one of those.

And, next time you visit your pediatrician, be sure to ask their advice as well.

Answer #6

theres many types of milk you can get from cow to goat and even soy and they all have the vitamins that the kid needs

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