Nonstop pain, help me ???

All this week whenever I eat something like 30 min after it hurts soo bad like im goign to throw up. And now all day today it just hurt nonstop and I cant get comfortable and like randomly I started breathing so heavy bc the pain hurt that bad and no its not cramps the pain is right above my belly button and it just hurts so bad and if it soon dont stop im going to the hospital, but does anyone know what this is ? Bc im clueless and I cant stand this pain no more.

Answer #1

You might have the flu, like I’ve stressed before, their may be some doctors online the problem is - they can’t see you - they can’t feel you - they can’t examine you They can not diagnose you over the internet , the only thing thats gonna happen is people will brainstorm what you might have - the end conclusion is going to be Go to see a doctor, their professionals and trained to help you.

Answer #2

well if it happens because of food it might be food poisinging or you could be pregnet

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