Where can a non-violend felony find employment?

where can a person with a non violent felony get employment

Answer #1

There are some little at home businesses that hire felons, you should look into it.

Answer #2

I was in the same boat. I put in app after app and was getting very discuraged. It took a family friend to give me a chance for me to find a jod. I have no violence eather but a pretty big record. Talk to friends and family members, anyone you come in contact with and let them know you are seeking employment. It doesn’t hurt to put your feelers out, the worst they can say is no. If you tell one person then they might ask let say 5 or 10 people and so on. It is said to be the best way to aquire work in your situation. most contractors don’t care about back grounds they just care about dependability. Good luck and dont get discuraged

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