Need help with spirits

Do you belive in spirits yes or no? If you do, could you help me get rid of one? At night I wake up sweating and there is always some kind of scar and I’m usually bleeding. One night I put up a camera and when I woke up bleeding I ran to the camera and watched it all you can see is me tossing and turning next I tried a thermal camera all I saw was me thrashing then all of the sudden my body gets real hot then a cloud of cold air come torward me then it reaches me and a line of cold appears on my chest where my wound was. Please help and no jokes

Answer #1

I have told people but not shown the thermal video. No one beloved me

Answer #2

if you show feer to the spirit then they will hert you more beacuse they feel stronger. you should contact some one who takes care of spirits or contact a prest. a spirit will also go after someone who is sick or weak to get rid of them you have to show no fear and you have to be yourself. you also shouldent be sad thats pritty much all you need to do

Answer #3

I’m a big Christian I have been saved but this has something to do with the history of my house

Answer #4


have and exersizom preformed on you house.

Answer #5

If you are Christian seek the help of a doctor. If you are not a Christian seek the help of a doctor.

Answer #6

If you are Christian seek the help of a pastor. If you are not a Christian seek the help of those who investigate the paranormal.

Answer #7

start going to church if you have to

Answer #8

Quote this prayer every night before you go to sleep: Our father which are in heaven hollow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Oh father I know that you feel the pain and fear in my spirit and heart,but I ask right now that you remove it from me because fear is not of you Father I ask that you place your hands everywhere and on everything that I own. keep me beneath your wings to shelter me from the evil. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

I too will be praying for you

Answer #9

have you told anyopne else like parents? do you belong to a church?..

I suggest you call a pastor from a church & ask them to come over & bless your home & pray over your home & You especially! I wish I could help you further, if you want to chat funmail me & ill give you my msn & talk you through some scriptures to make that spirit go away!

all the best!

Answer #10

I’m not sad or scared that much I actually think there are 2 ghost if you want to know the history of or town fun mail me and I’ll explain so you can understand better

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