
I feel like I never do anything right in my relationship. My girlfriend is really nice one minute and then correcting and nagging me the rest of the time. I hate it. I fee like I can’t be myself and she won’t listen to me tell her this. I don’t know what to do when she yells at me for turning the tv wrong, driving incorrectly or not saying what she would have said. I don’t want to end this relationship, but I can’t live like this. Anyone know how to stop the nagging?

Answer #1

Im not a guy but i’ll try.You said she only nags when you do stuff wrong well, you gotta make mistakes. Try talking again or making a big gesture dinner at a fancy restauraunt where you know she can’t shout or make a scene. Then you can finnaly tell her how much she is nagging you and explain how you want to still be in a relationship, make sure she knows that from the start, and if she still doesnt’t understand you might have to leave because your obviously unhappy in this and there’s no point if most of your relationship is filled with hard times and only rare moments of good. Hope this help Good Luck!

Answer #2

I was exactly in your relationship. Im so glad to be out of it.

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