Cheating Boyfriends

If I found information about something that was about to go down between my man and another woman should I tell my boyfriend what I know? Or should I see if he even has the balls to go thru with it? My boyfriend plays pro ball and of course women just throw themselves at him all the time. But we live together and when he is not on the road his butt is in the house on time. But I dont want to be the nagging woman and he might not even be doing anything, just leading them on for fun???

So advice from a outside source would help. Thanks

Answer #1

ask him if he has anything he need’s to tell you. tell him it’d be better to hear it from him than someone else. if he’s not givin anything up- I’d just say well im not accusing you.. but I did hear something.. and wanted to make sure nothing was going on. you have a right to know.

Answer #2

If you aren’t positive something is going on I think you should just keep an eye open to see if anything usual happens. If you do know something is for sure going on then you should talk to him about it because communication is key in a relationship. I know its not very mature, but I’m not going to lie, if it was me I’d probley do some messing around for fun to see what happens.

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