My hamster's not eating

Everyday I have to put food in her cage!! (thinking she’s eating) And when I come to clean her cage, I find all the food hidden in the corner she sleeps in!! Why isn’t she eating it?

Answer #1

my hamsters do that too I watched my hamster take all the food in her mouth and her jaws got huge LOL there was so much food in her mouth she had to use her feet to push it out…anyway she hid in the corner and sometimes I see my hams go to that corner and get the food. thats just the way they are

Answer #2

well if shes not eating what I do is I put my hamsters in its ball and he usually stops at a quiet corner and spits most of his stored food out and eats it thats how I know he’s eating plus its just there way of living they like protecting their stuff.

Answer #3

Hmm my hamster does the same thing, have you ever tried picking your hamster up I was scared to but now Im not afraid to anymore lol, anyway, I think that hamsters some times try to make things last! because when I always put food in his dish he just sits there but later he eats some of it…

Answer #4

My old hamsters were always like that, they love storing their food. Its just how a lot of hamsters are. They like to store it and protect it, then they eat it when they want. I used to think there was something wrong with my hamsters too, but its quite normal.

Answer #5

it’s a “she” not a “he” and I usually hide her food in every corner so that she can feel she’s in a wild, and she also has a food dish, but I never knew she could hide it all in the corner she sleeps in!! and how do I make sure she’s eating it?!

Answer #6

It’s okay, everyone else is right. And keep feeding him/her, she won’t get over fed. Besides,fat hammies are cuter cuddlier, and less likely to get loose. Your lucky he/she has a PILE! Mine scatters it ALL OVER THE CAGE!

Answer #7

my hamster does the exact same thing I think its cause he’s a syrian hamster is urs??? if so mabey its a specias thing cause I used to have a dwarf hamster and he never did that

Answer #8

That’s how hamsters work :) They are hoarders. They used to live in the wild (imagine that) and would search for nuts and grains and things. Then, they’d stick them in their mouth pouch and take them to their nest. They’d eat them slowly in the nest, but save some. Keep filling it up. Your hammy thinks he’s “finding” the food in his food dish and bringing it to his “nest” like he would in the wild. My hamster did it, and I loved finding his little hidden stash when I’d clean his cage :)

Answer #9

she is storing it in case you forget to fed her trust I have a hamster

Answer #10

She must think there’s a famine coming.

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