Much needed advice for my new pupp

I have an 8 week weestie (female) called macy. We keep her in a cage when out and through the night. Them problem we are having is she cries and barks constantly!!! For hours and hours… Me and my partner cant sleep as she is oo loud! She used to be in the back kitchen as we have another male westie who is 2 (they get on lovely) but she just crie and barked for hour and hours so we put the radio on… Didnt work. We have now put her cage in the living room to be near our other dog and we put her in there when she has her naps but when I put her in there when I pop out or got to bed she goes nuts!! I covered her cage in a blanket last night thinking the darkness would calm her and it worked a little but she woke us up really early in the morning barking! I’ve had a week off to get her settled and im worried when I go back to work she will cry and bark alll day. Any advice? She is healthy and eatting and drinking well.

Answer #1

try putting a blanket over the cage

Answer #2

It always takes a little time for them to adjust…She’s only 8 weeks, so I’m sure she had to get out to pee in the night (that’s been my experience…that for a week or week and a half, they can’t hold it all night…and they don’t want to go in their crate)…that’s why she got you up.

You’ve found her spot (close to your male)…and with her knowing he’s there, plus the blanket over the crate, she’ll settle in a few days. You might have to come home at lunch so she can relieve herself, tho, for a few weeks…8 hours in a crate is too long for a pup to hold it…Before you go back to work, put her in her crate, and go to the store or something…to get her used to going there during the day…

Just remember…you don’t want to leave her in that crate so long, that she ends up doing her business in there…once that instinct has been broken, it’s hell trying to get them to quit…and a hell of a mess to clean up on a daily basis.


Answer #3

Your puppy wants to be with the rest of the “pack” at bedtime. This behavior is highly adaptive from the standpoint of dog behavior. When a puppy becomes separated from its pack it will whine, thereby allowing it to be found and returned to the rest of the group. This is why so many books on puppies and dog behavior strongly recommend that you allow your puppy/dog to sleep with you in your room to reduce the liklihood of crying at night.

Try moving the crate into your bedroom. If your puppy whines, first make sure it doesn’t have to go outside to eliminate. This means getting up and taking it outside. If it whines again, or doesn’t need to go outside, bang your hand on the crate door and say something like “NO, SLEEP” or “NO, QUIET”. If the puppy continues to whine, try giving it a toy or chew toy and then simply ignore any continued whining. If you don’t reinforce the whining by comforting it (other than to take it outside – which is OK), it will eventually learn to settle down. Also, be sure to have a vigorous play session JUST BEFORE you are going to go to bed. This should poop it out and it will sleep much more soundly.

Alternatively, you can designate a spot for your puppy on the bedroom floor. Keep the door closed or put a leash on it to keep it close to the bed. When it whines or moves about, take it out to eliminate. Otherwise, as above, say “NO, SLEEP.”

Puppies that cannot sleep in the bedroom for whatever reason may be comforted by a ticking clock nearby, and a t-shirt of yours from the laundry:

Answer #4

When I had my puppy, he used to whine and pine for a little while, but what we did was firstly the radio, but then diecided to use a clock. The ticking replicates heart beats, which may help your puppy to feel calm, it did for ours. Also leave something with your scent on it, so when you leave or in the night, it will help you cute puppy to relax, and feel your presence remaining in the room, or cage. Like others have said at only a few weeks old this is to be expected, this may continue for a little while longer, but soon your puppy will settle into a routine and get used to their sleeping arangement. Hope I’ve helped, let me know

Answer #5

when I go back to work ill pop home on my lunch fo are an hour and play with her an let her out. so would you say its best to not put paper down in the crate for now? whe I go to the shops I put paer in there but I when she is out I dont put paper anywhere as im putting her outside for the loo which seems to be working. thank you for the advice…

Answer #6

How would you like to be locked in a cage for hours? how’s about…you don’t need to put her in a cage so take her out. crate training is stupid

Answer #7

When I had my puppy, he used to whine and pine for a little while, but what we did was firstly the radio, but then diecided to use a clock. The ticking replicates heart beats, which may help your puppy to feel calm, it did for ours. Also leave something with your scent on it, so when you leave or in the night, it will help you cute puppy to relax, and feel your presence remaining in the room, or cage. Like others have said at only a few weeks old this is to be expected, this may continue for a little while longer, but soon your puppy will settle into a routine and get used to their sleeping arangement. Hope I’ve helped, let me know

Answer #8

it helps a lot if you drain all of her excess energy before periods of time in the crate, a long walk or bike ride etc. then naturally her mind will tell her to be in resting mode.

Answer #9

WE USE A CAGE BECAUSE SHE IS A PUPPY AND WHEN LEFT ALONE SHE COULD CHEW THE WHOLE BLOODY HOUSE! plus she didnt ike to be locked away fro my other dog and it gives my other make dog a break from being chased! some brilliant advice thank you soo much!!! when I had my other dog from a puppy he was brill no crying nothing, thats whey I abit ‘’ooo what to do’’!! tonight I will nacker her out before I go to bed and let her go the loo then put her in her (large) cage to sleep, then about midcnight ill let her out again for the loo. I’ve brought a kong toy which you pop treats in and keeps her occupied! do you think this wil be nesassary? I’ve also brought a snuggle toy which you heat up as a comfort thing.

thanks again for the brill advice

Answer #10

Geez, charliefarlie. don’t be such a jerk…maybe you should just, like put her in the bathroom or something. it’s bigger and she probably like it better then being behind bars

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