Morning habits

What is thew first thing that you do in the morning?:)

Answer #1

Wake up & have a shower

Answer #2

make 2 teas , smoke , then get dressed

Answer #3

Check my phone for txts,txt them back,smoke a cigg(ewww I know),go pee lol,brush my teeth,take a shower,get dressed,do make up,then hair,eat if Im hungry,then do what ever I have planned for the day.Takes about an hour lol

Answer #4

I wake up

Answer #5

When I get up the first thing I need to do is go to the bathroom. Then I get into the shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and leave for either school or other places.

Answer #6

pick my cat up off my head (lol she likes to sleep there), turn my phone on, brush my teeth, go back to my phone to check if it received any texts, reply to them, wash my face, get dressed, brush and straighten my hair, grab a piece of toast, get my purse and RUN!

Answer #7


Answer #8

I usualy lie in bed motionless for a while, then get up and shower and get ready for work or school

Answer #9

I go to the bathroom and pee, then take the dogs out back =)

Answer #10

usually cry… but sometimes I wake up crying

Answer #11

Hit my snooze button and wonder why…lol. Then think for a little while.

Answer #12

look at the time and go back to sleep

Answer #13

Feed my cat :) Then do my hair etc.

Answer #14

Take a shower.

Answer #15

pee and take a shower .lol

Answer #16

Check my phone for texts :-)

Answer #17

smoke a joint

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