How to overcome shame of drunken nights?

How do I overcome the embarrassment and shame of being drunk and making a fool of myself? I’m a painfully shy person but after a few drinks I turn into something else. No inhibitions and talk absolute rubbish. Feel terrible every time I get a hangover and just want to hide from the world. I only drink occasionally. And I’m not sure I’ve actually done anything embarrassing but feel this way every time.

Answer #1

Well first forgive yourself. everybody makes mistakes. everybody does something embarrassing. Remember tomorrow is always be a new day. next time you drink don’t drink so much. and remember when you know better you do better

Answer #2

In my experience of being embarrassed the day after a drinking binge, there’s always someone else that does “worse” so don’t worry about it and try to limit your alcohol intake.

Answer #3

ok I have 3 pieces of advice for you 1.)dont always get drunk 2.)control yourself and last but not least 3.)things happen just let it go dont be embarased about it!

good luck hope my advice works for you!

Answer #4

Well I’m happy that you know that drinking is bad. At least you don’t do it a lot, but you have to stop to get over you’re embarrassment.

I know it’s probably really hard to stop. But try to stay as far away from a beer until you overcome your drinking habbits.

Good Luck!

Answer #5

Drink until u possibly cant drink nemore is wot i say! Just laugh at ur embarresin moments! Funnny!

Answer #6

just remember you were drunk and everyone knows it so you have nuthing to be ashamed about. next time don’t drink as much and you won’t feel as bad.

Answer #7

Thanks for the advice :D

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