How did Mary become pregnant in the Jesus story?

I thought she was supposed to be a virgin..?

Answer #1

Dirty toilet seat…

Answer #2


Answer #3

Mary made the whole story up her and joseph really did it when no one was looking lol

Answer #4

Haha sneaky sneaky lol

Answer #5

She was a virgin, God implanted the baby in her tummy lol.

Answer #6

when Mary was pregnant with Jesus she was still a virgin. This probably doesn’t really make sense to people since we know the only way for a woman to get pregnant is through a man, but the way she got pregnant was by the Holy Spirit.

Answer #7

It was a freaking MIracle!! Poor Mary didn’t get to have sex! I bet she was mad.

Answer #8

if DNA test could prove it :)

Answer #9

Actually, there have been a couple cases in history of asexual reproduction with some human women. Personally, I don’t believe Mary was a virgin, and I don’t believe Jesus was the son of god, but if she had been a virgin, she could have just had that phenomenon happen to her.

Answer #10

It’s called immaculate conception, btw.

Answer #11

What do you mean, Jessica?

Answer #12

by a couple of cases in history are you talking about the story of the fallen having intercourse with human women?

Answer #13

Actually no its not. The immaculate conception infact refers to the conception of Mary. Supposedly she was born without original sin.

Answer #14

Oops well now I feel stupid. Lol.

Answer #15

No, dont feel stupid! Its a really really common misconception.

Answer #16

According to the Bible Mary and Joseph were betrothed. According to the custom of the time couples would refer to each other as their husband or wife after they were betrothed. Someone betrothed was basically married but had not consummated their marriage yet As soon as the couple knows each other (in the Biblical sense) they are married. In the story Mary and Joseph were betrothed but hadn’t consummated their marriage yet which is why Joesph was a little put back by Mary’s surprise pregnancy. In the story God sent an angel to Joseph to assure him Mary was guiltless and he should still take her as his wife.

Answer #17

Mary got pregnant by a biker that passed through and left her one summer at their lake house. Her father then made her marry Joseph and gave Joseph a Job. BTW. The Biker’s name was GOD!!! They made up the story in order to get approval from the rest of the members at the Country Club. By the time Jesus was old enough, it was too late for him to believe the truth and the story already got to his head and he went on to fulfill the prophecy.

Answer #18

It is called parthenogenesis. I’ve read conflicting articles about the possibility of it ever occurring naturally in mammals. Some lizards can reproduce sexually or asexually by parthenogenesis. Scientists have induced parthenogenesis in mammals but if it ever occurs naturally it is extremely rare.

Answer #19

So, that means that there is a possibility of on falling pregnant with no sexual impregnation?

Answer #20

The same way all other virgins through history that said they were impregnated by a god, a lie

Answer #21

watch the passion of Christ that should answer your question.

Answer #22

watch the passion of Christ that should answer your question.

Answer #23

Umm they say she was inpregnanted by the holy a sort of religious person..I mean I pray before I go to sleep and stuff..and im catholic but this part of the “story” is just a bunch of crap in my opinion.Everybody has their own views and points that they would like to be made but I know one thing…you can never fight with anybody about religion..or evolution…or even politics because it results in a fight that is like everlasting because there is lots of dis agreeing and agreeing…

Answer #24

Well, if for some reason that a woman’s eggs failed to split during meiosis and ended up in the womb during ovulation, the body could mistake it as a zygote(or for all intents and purposes, it would be a zygote), and she would become pregnant. However, I imagine there would have to be a set of mutations both for the failure of meiosis and the appropriate impregnation, plus the resulting child would be an exact clone of the mother. The only way I could see a male possibly coming out is if she also happened to have that one mutation that causes you to have 3 sec chromosomes, like XYX, or XXY as would be necessary in this case. But then, even that would have to have something weird happen in order for a male child to result However, I am a Christian, and I don’t think the creator defies his own laws, so there’s gotta be something in nature that allowed for this to happen.

Answer #25

By the power of the Holy Spirit! and what moe said haha

Answer #26

Read the story by Edgar Cayce’s on Jesus. He explains some realities the bible doesn’t. Google it.

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