
For the last two weeks I’ve been having a lot of anxiety attacks. they usually last 1hr-2hrs. Now I’ve noticed that everytime I get worked up my chest starts hurting really bad. & my breathing changes like I can barely breathe. For example I was fighting with my mom right now & I got all weak & I was gasping for air. I dont want to go to the doctor for 2 reasons. 1.Im terrified of them. 2.Im not sure if this is serious..?

What could this be? A lung problem? Help me?

Also how can I get my anxiety attacks under control?

Answer #1

Hmm, I’m sure its easier for me to say, than for you to believe, but, doctors are really nothing to be afraid of. You should have one check you out.

Another tip about breathing…practices it when you aren’t upset…funny, but then you’ll know what to do when the time comes…might make it easier. Once you’ve gathered yourself write down what you’re feeling…this might help you in the future. If you see the same situation is about to happen, maybe you can ‘prep’ yourself by relaxing ahead of time…? Make sense? I hope so…hope you feel better… :D

Answer #2

To get them under control Irene,do those breathing exercises,you should know how to do them. When you argue with your mom,walk away and lock your door and do the exercises,don’t let your mom in until she’s calm and your feeling ok.

You should have someone check you out to be safe cause it could get worst next time.

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