lose lower belly fat fast!

how do I lose my lower belly fat? ok my boyfriend is having a party and 4 days. I used to be really cute! and everyone tells me I’m really skinny and stuff but I have a little pooch of fat on my lower belly. and I need to either lose it or hide it in 4 days! help.

Answer #1

well, I’d start running and doing excercise asap so that it will go away eventually. but something that works a little is wearing a small tank top or something under your clothes that sucks it in as much as possible. I don’t know.


Answer #2

Jog 20-30 minutes a day. Do crunches and leg lifts. Not only will you have a smaller stomach but you will start to develop stronger abdominals.

Answer #3

Not possible. the only way to get rid of that is running and cardio. not gonna happen in 4 days.

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