How long does it take to grow your hair until it's below your butt?

Answer #1

how long is your hair now?

Answer #2

tmedium back although it gets shorter because it get frizzy

Answer #3

if you take care of it right. like get your split ends cut every few months. then your hair will probably take a a year or 2.

Answer #4

it depends how long your hair is now on adverage a persons hair grows half an inch a month soo that should should help somewhat haha

Answer #5

agh i hate the hairlady now

Answer #6

you will need to trim your hair too every 3 months at least cut it about half an inch so you will grow 1 inch after 3 months it will take a long time but you need to trim your hair cuz if you dont your hair wont grow cuz of the split ends and that will damage your hair but theres no possible real way to make your hair grow quicker you can spend all your money on hair products to “make your hair grow faster” but none of them really work your hair grows as fast as it wants to you can pick

Answer #7

The speed of hair growth is roughly 1.25 centimeters or 0.5 inches per month, that is about 15 centimeters or 6 inches per year. On a healthy, young person. Older peoples’ hair grows slower. And some illnesses can reduce hair growth.

Answer #8

It depends. Hair grows at different rates depending on the person. Also, some peoples hair will never get to that length because their hair follicles are smaller, which means the hair will fall out before it gets that long

Answer #9

Depends on how fast your hair grows.

Answer #10

mine took about a year to get from my shoulders down to my elbows, i guess it does depend if your hair grows slow or fast, and if you tke care of your split ends and all that…=)

Answer #11

depends on how fast your hair grows

Answer #12

It takes time… wit until it grows

Answer #13

but my hair was up to my shoulders last year in march and now it is alittle bit above my chest.. so my hair is growin slow.. but you could always get extensions.

Answer #14

mine is below my shoulders but i can tell you this its not going to grow without trimming an if it does it will be way unhealthy an ruin your hair so probably about 3 years

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