If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

If you could live any where in the world where would it be? Why

Answer #1

A coworker who visited New Zealand said it was beautiful there and AFAIK it is a really nice place to live. Other top choices for me would be Vancouver BC Canada and Monterey California.

Answer #2


Answer #3

I would live in amsterdam netherlands because pot is tollerated there.

Answer #4

NEW ZEALAND a.ka. Gods zone / Gods Own


We like tourists !!

Answer #5

Canada - specifically toronto, or New York!

Answer #6

New York or Hawaii !

Answer #7

in alaska which is where I live now, because free moosehead soup, dried salmon, and no spiders or snakes

Answer #8

Hmm Hawaii :D

Answer #9

london I love london ^^

Answer #10

Japan–becuase im a weirdo but I love the culture. thats where I plan on living in the near future :)

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