Burn and scar

I have a large burn on my leg and it is embarrasing and I want it to be unnoticable what should I use to do that?? Ihave had it since I was one year old and now I am 14 and dont want it. What would a doctor be able to prescribe or what would I be able to buy? Help please.

Answer #1

scarzone. its expesie, though.

Answer #2

Everyone has distinguishing marks on their bodies whether they like it or not. Some have birthmarks, some have moles and some have scars from an accident.

You have a burn mark, there is not much anyone can do for you about it. However if you look into your local chemist or herbal shop there should be some ointments and creams that help stretch marks and scars heal/fade away. It isn’t going to COMPLETELY cover it but it will help. If you are planning to go out and bareing your leg you have 3 options:

  1. Wear trousers if you are really uncomfortable about it
  2. Wear foundation or self tanning products over it - although this isn’t highly advisable
  3. Grin and bear it. Yes people may look at your leg, but they will mainly think “oh dear what happened to that poor girl” burns are usually recognisable as a burn so they know you weren’t born with it and a “freak” which you’re not

Build your confidence up, you are going to fret about more things than your leg in life

Answer #3

Supposedly rubbing lemon on it helps. Just cut a lemon slice out of a lemon, squeeze most of the juice out, and rub what’s left on the scar. It helped with some of my smaller scars, it might at least make yours lighter.

Answer #4

I think you’re just going to have to accept it?

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