Late or Pregnant?

I’m 16, and I got my first period when I was 13. I was supposed to get my period on September 27, I didn’t get it and I had sex on October 3. Between my last period and the last time I had sex, I’ve lost about 10 pounds. It is now October 27 and my period still hasn’t come. My boobs hurt and I have some cramping sometimes. I haven’t taken a test yet, but the same thing has happened a little less than a year ago, and it turns out I wasn’t pregnant, I was just late about 38 days.

Answer #1

You need to visit the doctor or get a pregnancy test… what other symtoms are you having?

Answer #2

theres no way to tell fer sure unless you take a test. either way whether it somes back positive or negative you NEED to visit the docor. if you cant go with your parents(because you dont want them knowing) then you can go to a clinic in your area. They will never know. :) but if you are pregnant make sure you let them know before they find out the hard way. good luck!

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