How would you know if you had a urinary infection?

Ok just asking…How would you know if you had or was coming down with an urinary infection? Also is it safe to have sex while have or coming down with one or now?

Answer #1

its painful to urinate and also it feels like you gotta pee every 5 mins! I recommend seeing your dr. sometimes you can just call the nurse and tell her your symptoms they may prescribe you medicine right away.

Answer #2

Ok, so urinary tract infections can cause pain urinating, and pain in your lower areas, if you have these symptoms, I would consider seeing a doctor, and getting a thorough exam, he can also inspect you, and if you do have one, he will treat it efficiently, ALSO. I would not reccomend having sex while having a urinary tract infection, because it could cause stubborn irritation, inflamation, and discomfort during sexual activities. :] goodluck!

Answer #3

I had a UTI a while back, and I didn’t have any pain or anything. I DID however have a terrible feeling of being sick- I felt really weak, like I had a fever, and I just didn’t want to get out of bed. Once I went to the doctor, they poked around my abdomen and informed me of a UTI which they gave me antibiotics for. It is not a good idea to have sex while having a UTI because having lots of sex can make the infection worse, or even give you one.

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