Jesus B-day

when was Jesus Christ really born?

Answer #1

supposedly there’s evidence in the bible that points to his birth being in the spring time

Answer #2

It was NOT December 25th… and nobody knows the actual date.

Answer #3

I agree with Amblessed’s answer.

Answer #4

Unfortunately, Jesus’ birthday was not recorded, so we cannot know the exact day of His birth. There were pagan festivals in honor of the Roman God, Saturn, during the month of December. So, December 25 became the recognized day to celebrate Christ’s birth as a Christian alternative to the rituals of the day.

I do not hesitate to say that Jesus does not care which day we choose to celebrate His birth as long as we remember Him throughout the whole year. Having one day set aside in special tribute to Him is good. It must pain Him, though, when people claim to be celebrating His birth but hardly think of Him on Christmas Day as they hurriedly prepare gifts and fancy meals and rush through their traditions. Next Christmas–and every day–pause in the middle of your hustle and bustle to reflect on that little baby, born in a stable, who came to save the world–and you.

Merry Christmas !!

Answer #5

Best Guess: September 29, 5 B.C.

A very interesting read:

          i hope you do not take offense,         To that that’s gone before;         ’Tis only that it’s my two-cents,         And not one penny more. §;o)

Answer #6

kingofpop is right

some with amblessed, but there is still one thing I’ld have to disagree with amblessed. No I doubt he would mind when people celebrated his birthday, but if he was against paganism then wouldn’t he indeed mind that it was on one of their holidays?

Answer #7

-_- only when the Pope declared it as so. But again, it was believed to be sometime in spring. That’s coming from biblical experts.

Answer #8

unless anyone here was born thousands of years ago no one really knows lol. my belief: he was never born

Answer #9

your not right myloco88… For is on 25 december… but for example my christmas is on 6th of january…its different.. So I dont know where was he born…

Answer #10

to tell the truth no one knows he was born though, it just that it wasn’t recorded or mentioned in the bible:(

Answer #11

Jesus probably never even existed, but if he did, there is a 1/365 chance he was born on Dec 25.

Answer #12

amblessed is right about one thing: there is no record of Jesus birth (or his life and death, for that matter) outside the Gospels and a few other NT writings. The article posted by ethmer is an interesting read, but again is based entirely on the Gospel accounts which themselves were written decades after Jesus is said to have lived and have not survived in their original form.

Jesus falls into the same category as King Arthur. There are vague indications that the person may have lived, but if he did, his life has become so infused with myth and legend that we may never know for certain.

Answer #13

December 25th

Answer #14

No one knows for sure but best guess: Sept 29th

Answer #15

I agree with the spring time, because of the sheep and lambs, etc.

Answer #16

december 25 christmas day

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