Is abortion murder ?

Do you think abortion is murder ? I think it depends , like if a girl was raped or if the girl’s life or the baby’s life was in danger , but if a girl had sex with her boyfriend and was just to lazy to use a condom , then I’d consider it murder .

Answer #1

There’s a thing called adoption.

Answer #2

Do I think its wrong- Yes. I think its the easy way out. But each to his own


Answer #3

It is not murder and it is the right choice for many girls/couples who cannot handle pregnancy or a baby right now. It is not an easy decision to make and not one that anyone makes lightly. You can sit back and say “She took the easy way out” but no girl makes the decision easily. It is NOT murder.

Answer #4

I think its murder…u have no right to take an infants life like that, if you didn’t want a baby, you shouldn’t of had sex period!!…what if your mom did that to u, you wouldn’t even b here… adoption is the best way if you don’t want to b put in that situation

Answer #5

I think abortion is wrong but if the girl was 2 be raped or if the baby had somthing wrong like for ex:if it was going 2 come out dead.then thats when its ok 2 get an abortion.otherwise if you just get pregnat and get an abortion then thats not good.thats what I dont understand why sum people dont think about and get an abortion!

Answer #6

Having an abortion is not “taking an infants life” because it is not an infant or a baby. It is a fetus.

Answer #7

hahanoway, its heart is beating. yes I think it is murder raped or not if you don’t want it give it up for adopition sheesh. I know abortion is wrong but if the girls life if is trouble get it done I still think its wrong

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