Should I get an abortion? (Read more)

So I know this is going to sound horrible but in the past 2 weeks I’ve had unprotected sex with 2 different guys. I know they don’t have STDs or anything but I’m more worried about the pregnancy aspect of it. The first guy and I had sex the day before my period and then I took a Plan B pill on the 2nd day of my cycle. The second guy and I had sex on the 12th day of my cycle but the Plan B pill is supposed to delay ovulation. If I get pregnant I’m not 100% sure who the father is and I’m 16 and don’t want a baby, is this a good enopugh reason to get an abortion?

Answer #1
  1. Having an abortion is an extremely personal decision and even though you should get input from other people, you are going to have to make the decision yourself because you are the one who will be living with decision (one way or the other) forever.
  2. Good god girl, get some condoms!!
  3. Do not think you know if someone has an STD or not.
  4. Promiscuity is not a healthy way to live, physically or mentally.

Good luck.

Answer #2

Plan B will mess up your cycle for a while, but it is no guarantee of a delayed cycle. If you become pregnant but don’t want a baby you have 2 choices: abortion or adoption. I don’t know where you live, so with either choice you can contact Planned Parenthood to talk with some one there. They will discuss both options and let you decide. They will also keep confidential the info that you tell them. At your age you can ask for and get confidentiality. Go to for near by clinics. If you ARE NOT pregnant, start using condoms EVEN IF THE A-HOLE GUYS OBJECT. It is YOUR life that is at risk (and as billyshears says, you do not KNOW that a guy is disease free - guys have been known to lie to get a piece of nookie!!) It would be a good idea to consider birth control pills also. Planned Parenthood can inform you of the various options. IF you are pregnant, I do recommend talking with your Mother - unless you KNOW that she will reject you. Most Mothers - and Fathers - only want the best for their children. I know of several cases where a parent was VERY supportive when their daughter ‘got in trouble’. Take care, and Good Luck!!

Answer #3

What is wrong with you? You are old enough to use your head BEFORE you have a situation like this. billyshears & bimbjob have very good answers and you should listen to them, EXCEPT, If you are pregnant, I would ask you please not to have an abortion. How “fair” would that be? Do you really want to kill an innocent unborn baby and live with what you’ve done for the rest of your life? Someday you may want children and there are thousands upon thousands of people who do but can’t and would be very thankful to adopt a baby to raise as their own. They would see that child as a gift from God and love the child with all their heart. Open the newspaper and every single day you will see couples advertising that they will adopt your baby. Please please please think about this and don’t be selfish. Do the right thing no matter what and be rewarded for it by God and with your own clear concious. Please.

Answer #4

go to a doc , or conduct preg test , next time tell them to take precautions

Answer #5

No if you feel you cant handle a baby right now give it up for adoption someone else would love a baby

Answer #6

No if you feel you cant handle a baby right now give it up for adoption someone else would love a baby

Answer #7

Just to mention stds are not always visible to the naked eye, its very possible they could have had an std even if you cant see one, as for abortion, its YOUR decision and yours alone. if you dont want a baby and you are not ready for one, you need to make the decision if your not ready, as a baby will affect your life. however aborting a baby can ALSO affect your life. In future learn more about sex education and please use condoms, its the best possible way to help prevent pregnancies and if you delibritley dont use them, your kind of asking for a pregnancy. Talk to your family about your decision and see if they would help you, talk to BOTH guys and ask if they would support you should you happen to be pregnant, keep in mind most young guys arnt ready for that kind of fresponsibility.think it over with yourself and what you want.

Answer #8

Only if your life is st risk becsuse of the pregnancy, otherwise abortion basically is murder, even if your incapable of safely raising the child.

Answer #9

Just an FYI, I’m not pregnant so all is well.

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