Inappropriate Users

Why are users who are being sexually perverted and asking uncomfortable questions to the female users still on here , why is there account not deleted. I think most people know who I am talking about,

Answer #1

If you feel extremly offended then you should report it. But most people ask some odd/ inapropriate questions on here because they are curious but don’t want to ask someone they know because its embarassing.

Answer #2

I must ask…what do you consider to be an innappropriate question? I noticed that on the question about fav sexual position and you said doggy style…

Do you think that answering that question with that answer gives the creeps any ideas…?

Answer #3

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  If you are talking about via Fun Mail, then simply Block any user you find offensive (go to their profile and click on the Block link on the left side.

If you’re talking about in Questions and Answers, we do try to eliminate those Questions and Answers that violate the Terms of Use.

Answer #4

ok, for the record, this isn’t how you help us solve the problem. Have you seem the report abuse links next to every question, answer, photo, and profile page?

If not, please let us know how to make them more visible.

Using those links will get the problem solved; where hinting at it through a question with no detail will not help us solve the problem.

And in case you’re wondering, I’ve personally deleted 4 members for being inappeopriate today so far.

Answer #5

no…what are you talking about? People do that kind of stuff here?? That’s just wrong.

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