If you could leave Earth in an alien spacecraft, would you?

…with friendly-human like beings, to return safely in 10 years, would you go?

Answer #1

Well, now the question has been changed to only 10 years instead of forever… hmm, yeah, I’d probably go. I can do all that stuff I want to do after the 10 years.

It would be one hell of a trip…

Answer #2

I’d go if they brought me back to the exact time that I left after the 10 years with them. That way I could experience the stuff with them, and not miss anything here on earth. :)

Answer #3

No If God placed me here then it must be for a reason..I just do not know what that reason is yet.

Maybe he put you hear to meet the aliens, and travel to their home world?

I mean, what if my favourite bands break up and I never got to see them play? Or worse still, If Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana becomes more popular than a band like Green day? I don’t care if those aliens call me ‘dude’, far too much is at stake, and I might have to save the world from the clutches of doom/bad music!

Maybe that’s your destiny… to brave the cold void of outer space, reach the alien world, and ten years later, bring GOOD music back to Earth.

Answer #4

Who could say no? A chance to experience what mankind has wondered about for centuries- to discover what exists beyond our brief and insignificant existence? To see the stars and ride the cosmos…

As long as they serve pasta at the spaceship cafeteria.

Answer #5

They are friendly beings (I know cause I made them up) just asking if you would like to go with them, no pressure…it’s up to you, they are just about to leave…’are you coming or not dude?’ they say with their telekinetic powers.

They called me ‘dude’?

…I’m in.

Answer #6

…well its only for 10 years. if the world doesn’t change that much from what it is now…I wouldn’t be missing anything..

so yeah I would if they were nice and showed me cool things.

Answer #7

It depends on why the aliens want me to go…

They are friendly beings (I know cause I made them up) just asking if you would like to go with them, no pressure…it’s up to you, they are just about to leave…”are you coming or not dude?” they say with their telekinetic powers.

Fair enough danbob…mind you, human existance over the next 20 years is something unknown too!!! Maybe I’ll re-word the question…yeah

Answer #8

I’m inclined to agree with filletofspam- I have a family to think about (well, my partner is technically my family), and there’s a lot of stuff to miss over 10 years.

I mean, what if my favourite bands break up and I never got to see them play? Or worse still, If Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana becomes more popular than a band like Green day? I don’t care if those aliens call me ‘dude’, far too much is at stake, and I might have to save the world from the clutches of doom/bad music!

Answer #9

I would go to mars

Answer #10


Answer #11

No, I don’t think I would. I’d be giving up on all that I know, all of my dreams that I aspire to have, for something unknown and foreign.

Answer #12

It depends on why the aliens want me to go…

Answer #13

Yes I will go but not forever

Answer #14

As a young man I would. Now that I have a wife and family I could not be so selfish.

Answer #15

Yes.I’ll go and live the world forever.

Answer #16

Yes.I’ll go and live the world forever.

Answer #17

I would probably ask before they invited me,I would be like hey dudes can I tag along! wit a huge smile on my face…

Answer #18

No If God placed me here then it must be for a reason..I just do not know what that reason is yet.

Answer #19

Only if they thought I was their queen… and DID NOT want to eat me… then I would go!

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