I would like to hear comments on something I am doing

Recently I got a message from a guy who was offering money for pictures. He was mostly looking for locals he is learning photography and loves to photograph women…a regual guy thing LOL. Ok so anway What caught my eye is 1. His email was not rude or harrasing and polite. 2. The pictures were not for profit and he would provide in writing that they would never be published or use for any public viewing. He wrote in a way that you knew that the photgraphs would not always have clothing involved. The email also stated that you must be over 18. I was curious so I emailed him back and told him I was not eighteen but that the email had caught my eye. I was really surprised to get an email back appologizing profusely for sending it to me that he did not intend for anyone under eighteen to get it. (I lied on my profile on that site LOL) So he said no thank you that he would never ever allow anyone underage to be involved in nude or sexually insinuated photography. In fact he sorta admonished me for answering his email. Well I kept emailing him a bit talking to him about what he does, and he simply loves pretty women he keeps the pictures for himself and is learning photography when someone is close enough for him to do the shoots. You can tell he sees it as art. He pays them pretty well but is very particular. What he likes is that by not publishing or letting anyone see them but himself is that he can get models that no one has or will ever see.So to him he has something unique as a one of a kind gem(I got all of this in email discussion with him) He has actually only accepted ten out of hudereds that have wanted to work with him. He pays from 50-100 an hour if they are local and he does the phtographing and different prices for different things when he can’t. ANYWAY so I confronted him about why if it is about art and such why he would not be interested in someone under 18 that can’t be nude and such. He considered that and agreed that perhaps it might be a nice challenge if he could find a few younger models that would not be able to do innapropriate stuff for their age. So I sent him a few pictures of me and he liked what he saw and has had me do some pictures for him. He tells me what he wants and do my best by myself to accomodate him. I don’t want to let someone else do the pictures…well I might some time I don’t get naked, I don’t do anything bad or anything. In fact he said that if I ever sent him a picture that showed the wrong things that he would delete it and no longer be able to work with me. The first shoot I tried to do was horrible LOL I told him what clothes I owned and things and he told me what to wear and what pictures to do…they were pretty bad but he wired me 25 dollars none the less for my time. I have done one more now for him trying to do it myself is hard, the most unclothed he asked for was some shots in my bikini but I wear that all over the place so that isn’t innapropriate and he was a little not sure if he should let me but checked with his attorney and he said that it was fine as long as it was artistic in nature and not used for sexual purposes…I guess what I want to know is what do you think about this? Like I said he is not pushy, he is not rude, he never says sexual things and never asks for any pictures like that…do you think this is ok to be doing? He almost wouldn’t do it unless I got my parents permission but I got him to LOL. And the bonus is he is a REALLY nice guy and answers questions I have too that I would probably not ask others. I have introduced him to three friends under age he turned them all down because they didn’t fit his likes I guess. He says that there has to be something there something that catches his eye. I also introduced him to a few eighteen year olds that were willing to do nudes only because they would never be seen by anyone but him and how serious he takes that. He would not show me any of the pictures he has done of the few he has accepted. He said that would be outside of his agreement and unethical…You think this is ok? I got 50 dollars for the second shoot that I did but I think he was just being nice cause they were not so good either. He gets a lot of girls that try out and interview with him but has a hard time finding what he is looking for. From what I gather he likes thin and or petitie innocent sweet looking types as his favorite but also has a few that he said were punkish and such…anyway let me know what you think about this arrangment please would you do it???

Answer #1

Personally I think you are very immature and making very poor decisions. I am disturbed by the fact that you ‘pushed’ yourself on this man. He can tell you anything he wants and probably has done this a lot, and you are foolish enough to believe him. You need to grow up or you may find yourself in situations that are dangerous or at the very least harmful…

Answer #2

My personal opinion is he knows what he’s doing and I mean that he’s cautious of what he does and says, thats why he said “ask your parents” because if they say “no” then no drama but if they say “yes” then that means you can go alone and then you have a creep on ya tail. Be careful.

Answer #3

it’s also encouraging that he doesn’t just jump at any and every girl. A couple of the girls I introduced cause they wanted to make some money are considered very pretty. but he really seems to be looking only for that which catches his eye and his alone.

Answer #4

Yeah I think that’s the most interesting part, find out what the whole deal of what his doing is maybe that will help, is he in a company or something like that

Answer #5

I know emo sucks that when we meet someone nice that it has to be a reason for a red flag…hopefully he is just really nice. He DID push me to get my parents permission though…

Answer #6

I saw an ad for that on kijiji saying the EXACT same thing - I’d watch out if I were you.

Answer #7

Yeah maybe consider talking to your parents about it or an adult you can trust, this guy seems 2 nice

Answer #8

I coulda swore I put this under jobs and money!

Answer #9

Yeah maybe consider talking to your parents about it or an adult you can’t trust, this guy seems 2 nice

Answer #10

Very interesting to start. Sound like to me if this guy is real that he is an ARTIST. Not a porn freak. The few things that come to mind just ready all you wote is this… Be sure that you two are not alone together doing these pics. Be sure someone at least knows that your there and what time to expect you to call when your done. He now has rights to these Photo’s and if he is trying to get a library full (which a lot of people do) prior to opening up his site or mag and then releaseing the pics. You just have to understand that one day he may go public. Don’t do anything now that you may regret later. With that said I myself am also very into the art of a womans nude body. I have seen many porno’s ans nasty pics and never reall did anything. I did see a site that was all about the artistic side of nudity and I really liked it. He could easily be the type like me more into the art then the erotica then you should be fine. Just remember the nice guys will usually screw you over worst than the one you would expect it from. Type me back and let me know what you think about what I said.

Answer #11

Well. He gave me his full name address birthdate etc. He gave me the number of his attorney and I looked him up online and the number matches. He said that he completly understands and really doesn’t need to buy any pictures from me and reminded me that I was the one that pushed on this and he from the beginning didn’t want to. He said we should probably discontinue our arrangment and that I should feel free to say hello now and then. He sent me scans of his drivers liscense, and three reference addresses and phone numbers, so that I didn’t ever have to feel fearful in the future about this. I think he feels bad because all the sudden I like started drilling him like he had done something wrong and he hadn’t I pushed for this and absolutely nothing was innaprorpiate and he did nothing wrong. I feel bad about this it sucks that we have to go through life thinking the worst about everyone especially when this person was so upfront and honest…He also said he knows that I have no way of knowing for sure but that he has chose to delete the pictures so I didn’t have to worry about it…OH well I think I lost someone nice because of paranoia…

Answer #12

I would have my guards up BIG TIME

He might have a fetish and that’s fine but I wouldn’t trust him.

He can say and do as he pleases you can not know the truth (does he sell them over the internet? does he really have an attorney? why did he want bikini shots?)

I would be nice to a pretty young girl too if this gave me opportunities to get pictures from her and maybe even meet her in person…

Let’s face it. Most men that do the photography thing and that aren’t professionals (does this guy even know how to use a camera?) AND that accept to work with extremely young models aren’t completely innocent. They are usually looking for something more.

Even if you did believe him and truly think he is nice. You have not signed a contract with him and therefore if he did want to sell or show your pictures to someone else there is nothing that you could do about it. If you want to continue this without your parents permission (and I’m sure they would not like it) my advice to you is:

1- Get some legal advice about how your pictures can or not be used, 2- Try to find out as much as possible about this person (ex.: his full name, tel number, adress, etc) 3- Stop introducing your friends until you are one hundred percent certain that this man is one hundred percent trustworthy. 4-Stop sending him pictures of yourself until you get more informed about what your rights are and who he really is.

I find it a bit creepy that he only asks for pictures of LOCAL young girls and then keeps them to himself to look at and do god knows what with them?

I don’t want to scare you but you really should be careful and think about the possible consequences of what you are doing. He sounds smart and seductive…a dangerous mix.

Answer #13

Hm maybe he’s for real, or its probly that he doesn’t want to get in trouble, well at lest some people that you no met him, just b carefull he could be on to somethn, and yeah it sucks that you can’t really trust evry1

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