I Really want a baby

I am 18 and I really want a baby. I know everything that a baby would need, I had to raise both of my sister’s boys which meant they lived with my fiance and I, we bought their every needs. Now that I have experienced having a full time job with the boys we have decieded to try for our own baby. what do ya’ll think, any advice would be greatly apprieciated.

Answer #1

If you no longer have the boys, having helped raise your sister’s boys, you know that once you have a baby, time is no longer yours. It is best whenever possible to give you and your partner quality time alone together. How much time have you actually had to bond with him? Are you thinking of having a baby now only because you and your fiancé are alone together for the first time and you are uncomfortable with that? People who retire find themselves alone together after years of mostly doing their own thing and have to learn to be 24-7 with their partner again. Give yourself and your fiancé time to get adjusted to each other and you may find the joy that you have been missing since helping raise the boys will be found again in each others arms.

If you still have the boys, then it is a call between you and your partner. A child is not something you just decide to have. A child is for life. You will have to deal with not only the little one all your life, but will during the growing up time, have to deal with his father. If you two should split up for some reason, that only means he is not with you. You will still have to see him for the sake of your child together. It is something to make sure of that you are both ready to handle.

It is a big decision that perhaps you may want to wait till you are at least of legal drinking age which is 21 in most states. That’s when they think you are adult enough to handle alcohol. A baby seems even more reason to wait for maturity and readiness.

Anyway, that’s what I did. I was married at 18 and had my first child at 21. Back then I still wasn’t ready for the heavy responsibility even though like you I had experience with child raising having mostly raised my own sister’s child.

Once you and your partner are ready, God’s blessings! I know you will do your very best, have great children, and be wonderful parents! It’s the heart that wins. :)

Answer #2

For myself I wouldn’t even think about raising a child unless I had a partner that was completely committed to staying with me and taking up half the job. Some people would say that means marriage, but it’s up to you. Is your fiance in it for the long haul?

The other concern for me…you are 18, and people change and mature so much between 18 and 22 or so. Think about how you’ve changed since you were 14 and you’ll see what I mean. Your priorities may change, but the baby will still be there. Now is the time to go to school part time, explore the world, and make your life what you want. A baby will pretty much glue you to the people and the places you are in now.

Do you have people besides your fiance that will support you? Give you parenting advice? Help you out when the kids are sick?

I admire you for thinking about the decision, and planning your pregnancy. If this is what you finally decide you want I wish you luck.

Answer #3

i say even if u dont have a man one women has enough love for any ammount of children women have that natural instinct pluss u have had a head start with ur sisters two boys who btw are adorable so i say i wish u the best of luck and best wishes on becoming a mother!

Answer #4

remeber from when you where a little child and it might help u

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