How to say I'm depressed?

Hey, I think I’m depressed, I’ve done a lot of internet quizzes, and they all say things like ‘ severe’ or ‘ at risk of major depression’ but my life is practicly perfect!!! I think I should tell my best friend, but I don’t no if I should because I have no reason to b. And she’s been through a lot and she is a happy person as far as I can tell, so I”m worried she’ll judge me because I don’t have any problems and I’m worried I’ll sound really pathecic!!! But I think she has the right to no because I’ve known her my entire life!!! Help please~!!! Thankyou xx

Answer #1

A lot of people with “perfect lives” are depressed. It isnt a sign of ingratitude, or that you are ungrateful for what you have. Depression is an illness. It’s not something you choose to be. If you really feel you are depressed, I’d consider telling your school counselor or nurse, or your doctor. Try getting some help, in most cases depression doesnt just go away on its own… And this is someone you’ve known your whole life, dont you trust her not to judge you? Yes she has had hard times, and no one knows why some people who go through hard times manage to come out fine, while others are completely destroyed even though they dont face as severe hardships, but it doesnt make it your fault. Your feelings are not invalidated because someone else is going through something much harder (I mean compared to a starving child in ethopia, no one’s problems should seem like a big deal!) but that’s not the way life works. Talk to her, you never know, she may be having some feelings she hasnt shared with you before…

Answer #2

Hey Miinalae! For real the internet doesn’t have all the answers to everything. If you feel that you my be depressed before you go jumping the gun I would get a professional opinion from a doctor and then work from there. Depresson in todays society is more common than you think. People just don’t want to deal and talk about it thats all. It doesn’t mean there something wrong with you, it could be something uncover that you aren’t aware of. If you think your friend would be judgemental then I wouldn’t tell her until you find out for sure. However,if she’s a true friend then she’ll stand by you. Who knows it might be something that’s just bugging you never know. Hope you feel better and again don’t rely on the internet you are only making yourself think more about it. Want to talk feel free to funmail me. Later.

Answer #3

If you think you are seek profesional help. They can help. those internet quizzes are not worth anything. please dont base anything off them, except maybe wich superhero you are most like lol.

Answer #4

I shall reply with one warning.

depression hits when we least expect it.

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