How To Lose 20 Punds Quickly

I recently joined a gym. I started working out for about one hour 5 days a week and am feeling good. However, I have been going to the gym for about a month now and have not seen any significant weight loss. I would like to lose 20 punds. Any suggestions on what to do? What about diet pills? Or weight loss supplements? Does anyone know any tricks?

Answer #1

eat super healthy and 1300 cals a day! go to bed hungry. dont eat after 7!!! at all! cept fruit and vegies.

Answer #2

become ana or mia well no thats probably not a good idea but I mean what are you looking for some kind of miracle that will just make the weight dissapear work harder eat less thats it

Answer #3

Well a I’m in your same positio. What I am doing is when I’m at school I eat nothing. When I get home I eat a bowl of Cherrios with 1% milk. And a tall glass of water. Thats all you need for a day. I don’t exercise or anything. With doing that for 2 months I’ve lost 40 lbs. It works great. I hope it hepls!

>>Mizz. Jay a.k.a Jada<<

Answer #4

Eat upto 3-5 times a day but in small portions anD try to do atleast 30 minutes exercise a day and 6 times a week including jumping ROPE,push ups,sit ups etc, and you should also do stretching while you are watching t.v and stuff…and yeah you can also give some shakes to your body while listening to the music…and ofcourse get a good night sleep and stay hydrated,,,hope that will help:=)

Answer #5

omg cadilacvernon that 3 of all thing I heard about it too I started laughing so hard

Answer #6

I lost 10 lbs, by just being vegitarian and eating small meeals in 3 months. I work out at least 3 times a week.

Answer #7

Dont use Diet pills. They are a serious waste of money, the average person loses like 3 pounds a month. Yeah, 3 pounds you can lose that in a week by just starting diet and working out regularly… and sticking to it. A lot of people dont like counting calories but it really does help. I’ve found that a lot of people treat themselves to a favorite food or treat once a week, doing this will make it easier and more likely to stick to your diet and work at schedule. That way you wont get sick of eating the same types of foods day in and day out!

The hardest thing for me is will power. Make sure you have a friend of family member to support your efforts!

Answer #8


Answer #9

There is no tricks when it comes to lossing weight. Go to the gym is great, but you also need to change your eat habits. And trust me you”ll see result in a couple of days or weeks.

Answer #10

I was down that road just like you I was 174 pounds really overweight but then I lost it all I feel great. The secret is to eat healthy and try to get as much exercise in your day as possible like simple things such as taking the stairs instead of the elavator. Do that for a bit then do somthing like 10 situps a day or run for an hour. Slowly replace your un healthy foods with healthy, dont stop eating un healthy all together slowly replace. and drink as much water as you can take vitiamins and never compare yourself to an other person. I hope this helps in helped me out a lot if you have anymore questions I am always here to ask :)

Answer #11

when you work out youre also gaining weight at time because of muscles so its probably because youre getting stronger but your your fat couldv gone down a few percent :)

Answer #12

I am working on this same thing. Exercise at least 3 or 4 days a week, doing running or muscle building, or whatever. But if you want to exercise more, be sure to get at least 1 days rest so you don’t overwork yourself. As for food- eat your fruits and veggies, of course, but you want to equal out the other food groups. If you are ever wanting something sweet, eat fruits instead of candy. and be sure to eat healthy carbs, but you do not want to cut them out of your diet completely. such as pasta, but instead of butter, use olive oil. and the spaghetti sauce is good, too. but don’t stop eating certain food groups because you think they’ll make you gain more wait. you’ll also want to stay away from diet sodas as the sweetener, aspartame, actually makes you hungry, even if you’re not. One more thing, water is very important. be sure to drink a lot. you’ll know you are drinking enough if your pee is clear, or if you don’t pee at all. hope this helped!

Answer #13

Just drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fruits.

Answer #14

Well, I heard that when you start excersising more you build up muscle, which weighs more than fat. So your probably loosing the fat, just gaining muscle weight :) x

Answer #15

South Beach Diet Phase 1 WORKS!!!

Answer #16

Spunk la who cqare a bout speeling!!!

Answer #17

No don’t go anorexic. That’s really unhealthy. Listen to the people up above ^^^ They have the right idea.

Answer #18

ha ha spunkla your funny .any ways just dont go anerexic

Answer #19

learn to spell pounds first

Answer #20

TRY: drinking lots of green tea(speeds up metabolism), eliminate junk eat fruits, veggies, etc. and as for diet pills I have heard good things about hoodia.

Hope this helps! :)

Answer #21

this is a topic I love to hear no anorexia or bulimia! (L)

try this:) only salads and fruits.. no junk food OBVIOUSLY no milk or POP!: NOO OR CHOCOLATES and breads very fatening because of carbohydrates.. eat a lot of fiber it fills you up and is healthy:)

  1. Take long walks.. when you go on them even on a hot day wear a sweater the more you sweat the more you lose(if you can run thats even better HAVE WATER ON YOU) and
  2. DRINK LOTS and I mean LOTS of water like im talking about 10 water bottles a day if not at LEAST 4
  3. Cranberry juice flushes your system Its really good! (it doesnt give you diahreah it just cleanses your blood of fatty oils

its easy :) right! hope I helped

ALSO! random fact: a lot of the time you think your hungry.. your really actually thirsty.. so..WATER. :) But eat lots of salads and stuff

if you do this in 2 weeks yuol be down 20 pounds

Answer #22

I really hate to say this, but if you are really good at stopping things when you know they are starting to get out of whack, this is the program for you. Cocaine!! I am serious. If you can use this drug for a couple of weeks and stop without getting addicteed, you will loose guranteed. Although I dont think it is prescribed anymore by doctors, it was in the early days when coca cola had traces of cocaine in it. Actually a lot of medicines in the early days consisted of a trace of cocaine. Cocaine and other drugs did not become illegal because of addiction, but because early 1800 americans felt it had a bad affect on slaves that whould eventually turn on the owner. Just a little history. Actually the History Channel (Cocaine)

Answer #23

You should probably just do things the way you want. Don’t get pressured into all of these new ways of losing weight. You should eat lots of fruit and salads and exercise. You shouldn’t completely wear yourself out. Then you could be in danger! Hope this helped some people! :)

Answer #24

You don’t need to take diet pills. First of all, they are expensive. Second of all, they don’t work long-term. Third of all, they can give you what is called “posterior leakage.” That’s where your butt leaks liquid crap into your pants.

People were fit before diet pills, therefore you do not need diet pills to lose 20 pounds.

All you have to do is cardio. Run, jog, swim, jump rope. Do 30 minutes of one of those every day, and if you want increase the 30 minutes to an hour a day after one month.

Have a sound nutritional plan. Stay away from candy, chips, alcohol, pop and anything that is high in sugar and/or trans fats.

The way to lose weight is to make sure that you are burning more calories per day than you are eating. That’s it. That’s the one and only secret. There are lots of calorie-tracker programs on the internet. Here is one:

You can also track your exercise with that as well. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Answer #25

Diet pills? and supliments? why? you should know that there is no sure fire quick fix answer, not without the serious side affects that is! They can seriously damage your health and are not worth it. The best way for you to loose weight would be to go onto a healthy balanced diet (not fad diets such as atkins!) which is calorie controlled, and also to do regular exercise! This should quickly help you to loose the weight that you want! Also i think it is more important in how you feel in you self, aposed to how much weight that you have lost, if you generally feel heathier then thats good! it is better to loose weight steadily, a couple of pounds a week instead of a huge amount at once, going so may be unhealthy! Also take more notice of the inches apposed to the pounds! Also please remember that muscle is one and a half times heavier than fat, and with you going to the gym this means that your muscles will proberly be growing and getting stronger. hope that this has helped and the best of luck!

Answer #26

Eat a lot of veggies, you cant eat too many! Drink lots and lots of water, try to be more active just generally around the house, “forget” to get something when you get up, for example, you want a glass of water and a bowl of salad, get the glass of water, then go sit down, then get up again to get the salad. You burn calories in EVERYthing you do, whether running around, working out, sleeping or watching TV, you actually burn LESS calories doing a steady work out, because your body get so used to the motion! So small sporratic things will burn more. Its not BAD to work out, it will build muscle and tone you up, but my advice is drink a lot of water, you cant eat too many veggies, count your calories, and RICE CAKES they are SUPER good for snacks, they are a little bland,but they make you thirsty! So you will end up drinking more water! (which by the way, when you dont drink enough your body doesnt know when its going to get more, so it retains usually around 5-7 lbs of water!!) drink lots of water, and 5-7 pounds will just melt off :-D

Answer #27

what you should do is eat three meals a day but not a lot at a time and have like friuts for a snack like twice a day. also keep up the work out in the gym like 4 days a week for an hour and then do some little excerises at home for about an hour or an hour and a half. and then dont worry about how much you weigh just like take your measurements and your weight and check it maybe every three weeks or so. thats what I do and it works.

Answer #28

Eat upto 3-5 times a day but in small portions anD try to do atleast 30 minutes exercise a day and 6 times a week including jumping ROPE,push ups,sit ups etc, and you should also do stretching while you are watching t.v and stuff…and yeah you can also give some shakes to your body while listening to the music…and ofcourse get a good night sleep and stay hydrated,,,hope that will help:=)

Answer #29

bottom line at the end of the day, it is all about “the calories going in and the calories going out!!”

increase your exercise. cardio at least 30mins every day is good, but you must also do endurance, it will work wonders…it tones up your body so you’ll look slim and elongated. endurance should be done every other day to give your muscles a break. 30 mins of medium-intense endurance training (ex. lunges, squates, weights, etc) can burn as much as a 20 min jog on the treadmill!!! and it’s easier to do =)

eating right is a biggie! you’ve heard all the “lots of fruits and veggies” but missing out on some of the other food groups isn’t good either. your muscles and system need them to properly function and help you lose weight. everything in moderation! ONE OREO COOKIE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU FAT, IT IS THE SLEEVE OF OREO THAT WILL!

just keep a diary of the calories you put in and the calories you’ll lose during your work out (there’s online calculators that tell you how much calories you’ll lose based on your weight/height and duration of exercise).

fiber really helps in losing weight because it keeps you regular and your system functioning. THERE’S ALSO A LOT OF NEGATIVE CALORIE FOODS, meaning you lose calories while eating them. THAT’S RIGHT! because it takes your body more calories to digest and break them down, then the calories of the food itself. FOR EXAMPLE:

  • most fruits, especially grapefruits and pomelos! (stay away from bananas, mangoes, and some other types…)
  • most veggies (especially tomatoes, red peppers, cabbages…)

best of all GET ENOUGH SLEEEP! studies have shown lack of sleeping causes you to stress and your body to function irregularly, resulting to irregular digestion and causing weight gain…

hope all this helps

Answer #30

bottom line at the end of the day, it is all about “the calories going in and the calories going out!!”

increase your exercise. cardio at least 30mins every day is good, but you must also do endurance, it will work wonders…it tones up your body so you’ll look slim and elongated. endurance should be done every other day to give your muscles a break. 30 mins of medium-intense endurance training (ex. lunges, squates, weights, etc) can burn as much as a 20 min jog on the treadmill!!! and it’s easier to do =)

eating right is a biggie! you’ve heard all the “lots of fruits and veggies” but missing out on some of the other food groups isn’t good either. your muscles and system need them to properly function and help you lose weight. everything in moderation! ONE OREO COOKIE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU FAT, IT IS THE SLEEVE OF OREO THAT WILL!

just keep a diary of the calories you put in and the calories you’ll lose during your work out (there’s online calculators that tell you how much calories you’ll lose based on your weight/height and duration of exercise).

fiber really helps in losing weight because it keeps you regular and your system functioning. THERE’S ALSO A LOT OF NEGATIVE CALORIE FOODS, meaning you lose calories while eating them. THAT’S RIGHT! because it takes your body more calories to digest and break them down, then the calories of the food itself. FOR EXAMPLE:

  • most fruits, especially grapefruits and pomelos! (stay away from bananas, mangoes, and some other types…)
  • most veggies (especially tomatoes, red peppers, cabbages…)

best of all GET ENOUGH SLEEEP! studies have shown lack of sleeping causes you to stress and your body to function irregularly, resulting to irregular digestion and causing weight gain…

hope all this helps

Answer #31

listen here people, YOU CANT “GO” ANOREXIC!!! its a freakin disease! I should know, I suffer from anorexia. (btw it sucks)

anywho, if you want to lose 20 lbs, drink lotsa water, and eat mainly negative calorie foods. try to eat ONLY negative calorie foods. ex) celery. miracle food is celery. a negative calorie food is one that takes more calories to digest than it actually had in it, therefore the more you eat, the more you lose. it works. google “negative calorie food list” you’ll find a good sized list. also, exercising in the morning boost your metabolism. ice cold water burns calories. 100 ice cubes= 1 lb lost. yeah, ah-mazing.

Answer #32

Heres the trick to losing 20 pounds, my dad lost that much in just one month.

(though I don’t think my dad did this part) What you have to start off doing is to stop eating when your full, not when your getting “close to” or near full, just when your full, you’ll know. if you really want to lose 20 pounds, change your form of exercise, my dad switched to the PACE program, and he lost 20 some odd pounds, if he did it more often now, he’d lose even more.

I hold that Dr. Pace is honest, and I think it’s true what he says about long distance exercise, I read an ebook in which Dr. Sears called some reaccuring case of sickness while long distance running the Jim Fix phenomenon, because Jim Fixx said that long distance exercise was the key, and then died of a heart attack while running.

People who run marathons so much often recall being delirious at the end of a race, that doesn’t sound like healthy exercise does it?

The Jim Fixx story, I got out of a seemingly free ebook by Dr. Sears

Answer #33

Diet pills and weight loss supplements often have serious side affects or can be addicting, and many only help you lose weight while you are on them but as soon as you stop taking them you gain the weight back very quickly. The safest way to lose weight is to eat right and exercise. If you have not continued to lose weight with the program you are using, it is a good sign you’re progressing and need to up the intensity of your workout. Try working out for 1 and a half hours 4 days a week instead, or cutting back on calories as well as exercising. You can also ask a trainer at your gym for some tips on how to safely increase the intensity of your workout without straining yourself Good luck!

Answer #34

Yeah you can’t rely on working out alone to lose weight. Working out really helps and it should get you more toned but weight loss is the result of DIET and excercise–that’s right–BOTH diet and excercise together. You have to eat 1200 cals a day and those cals must come from healthy, low GI foods (foods that won’t make you release teh fat storing hormone insulin). So just avoid bread, pasta, and any combo of fat with carbs such as chocolate, chips and pizza.
With a proper low calorie diet you should be seeing some results on the scale and with excercise you’ll see the toning.

Answer #35


I am currently trying to lose 100 lbs so far I have lost 8lbs on my first month, no starving required. When it comes to losing weight it’s extremely difficult, but it can be done.

You need to start with determination, discipline and really want it.

Remember also many years of the abuse given to our digestive system counts. there is a 21 day cleansing program with what I am currently using that helps. esp. those last few pounds are the hardest. I say few because I have 100+ to go.

I truely believe that every pound counts so I know that those twenty lbs are really bothering you.

My father is a 68yrs old and has run 20+ marathons all of them 26+ miles he had about 10lbs to lose and couldn’t for many years. Believe me he is a healthy man, but couldn;t get rid of those last few and he lost them within 2mths. My mom one of the worlds most stubborn women has changed her eating habits and lost 9lbs the first month she’s 61yrs old and my brother lost 13;bs the first month he used the 21 day we have a whole list of people in our family alone losing it. Using these products

I’m giving you these websites for you to get more info : , (please read the blogs) and on you can get more info on your health.

Remember there are many people offering you many products but I myself am a living testimony and I am also tired of my overweight issue I’ve battled with it all my life. Don’t take other peoples word for it do it yourself.

I currently don;t have pics of me posted due to the embarrasment of how I look and anybody with a weight issue knows that taking pics is not a fun thing to do. But I will post them as soon as I feel I can dig up the courage to take the after pic. I do have the before pic. hope to hear from you. jemmvli

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