how to know if I'm the father

Here is my quetion: If I had sex with my X every day intel september 13,2008 and she left my house september 14,2008 and claims she had sex with a guy on september 19,2008. Then september 29,2008 she finds out she’s pregnant. Then the doctor say’s to her base on her last preiod wich was august 29,2008 that she about a Month pregnant. the baby was born May 21,2009 at about 38 weeks she was said to be born about june 2,2009. could the other be guy the father? Pls HELP!!!

Answer #1

wo0ow thats a tough one dude…most likely you are the father but only way to really find out is through a DNA test…good luck dude!!…Call Maury hell do it for free !!!

Answer #2

wow no offence but she seems to sleep around lol

sounds like another episode of Jeremy Kyle lol

good luck anyway lol

Answer #3

Would depend on when her last period was.

Answer #4

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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