How to get ripped really fast?

Ok guys there’s this punk at school and yes he is tougher looking and he’s really mad at me because I took his g\f so now he wants to fight me soon I need to get strong really fast [without drugs] ??? any sugguestions???

Answer #1

Yeah, seriously think about it. You may look like a wuss in front of him and his friends for “telling on him” but it’s better than ending up looking like you were deformed since birth.


Okay, Now… Good Luck Bud.

Answer #2

Tell him you don’t want to fight him and that fighting is not going to get him back his ex.


Just tell your parents and/or a teacher. =) That outta work.

Good Luck.

Answer #3

My advice, from experience, is to punch him in the back of the head as hard as you can while hes not looking. Then roll him over and stick your nuts in his mouth in front of all of his friends. ULTIMATE HUMILIATION! p.s. good job on the g/f

Answer #4

on guy thats buff and huge looks like a retarded monkey when they cant land a blow on you so duck weave and check out self defense on youtube and metacafe. its really handy

Answer #5

Im a pro kickboxer Im 6 foot 6 inches and 264 pounds

I a were you I would take him down by kicking his knees then just run before he kills you

Answer #6

don’t listen to these fools!! Kick his nuts! but you need a strategy which leave that area wide open

Answer #7

yeh kams got it right man if you fight him he prob will kill u! and yeah doesnt matter how fit you are fighting experience is what is neccesery! if you step up like a hard man and fight this guy I dont think ull be walking away a winner buddy sorry! dont fight him wateva you do I’ve fought people and man even if you win it hurts like hell afterwards!

dont fight him! dude yo Kam with a kay gud advice dude straight to the point and direct and yeah dont steal ppls girlfriend’s that doesnt go down well wit anyone!


Answer #8


Dude. Muscle has nothing to do with it. Its experience with fighting.
Which obviously you dont have. So. What I would suggest is

  1. Dont fight this kid. Hes going to kill you
  2. In the future try not to steal ppls gfs it’s rude. And makes you out to be the as$ hole
  3. If ou HAVE to fight him. Be sure to have a blunt object handy

Good luck. mayl me about how it all turns out

=} K. w/a. K.

Answer #9

dude being around gangs for years aint a gud thing if he is enthuastic about fighting hell try anything to stir you up or ittimedate you dont crack under the pressure dont fight him watever you do! hes pissed off and even if you get buff I dont think ull have enough time to train to fight! dont dude its not worth gettin hurt trust me fights dont solve anything they hurt you and the people you love!

Answer #10

fight him use a sword

Answer #11

Violence isn’t the answer..

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