How much overweight morbidly obese?

How much overweight morbidly obese?

Answer #1

Generally one is considered “morbidly obese” if they have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 40 or higher. You can figure out one’s BMI by using a simple chart like the one found at:

By simply finding where the column and row for a given individual’s height and weight intersect, the BMI chart will give you the body mass index for that person.

It should be noted though that BMI charts ONLY take into consideration height and weight. They do not differentiate between lean muscle mass and fat. So, someone who is 6 feet tall and weighs 220 pounds with a BMI of 30, that is very muscular may not be considered overweight or obese where as a 6 foot tall, 220 pound person whose weight comes primarily from fat would be.

BMI charts should be viewed only as a general guide. Because of the generality of the charts and other factors, the best thing to do, for someone who is concerned about their weight, would be to speak to a physician about it.

If the BMI chart in the link I provided doesn’t have the height and weight that you are looking for, a simple google search for “BMI chart” should find you one that does.

Hope that helps answer your question.

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