How do you heighten intimacy?

Um I duno whyy im asking this lol, but out of curiosity I guess what really turns a guy on?. My ‘almost’ fiance and I both have chosen to save ourselves & keep all the so called ‘naughty’ things for after marriage and we don’t get to see one another very often. So I want to make everytime we do spend together Fun and spontaneous. But since I’ve waitted to date the right man, im not really experienced with all this iintimacy business..Nyone have any tips as to what I can do to sort of really get him turned on ? im sure this is will help for after marriage as well :P

Answer #1

Well I do not believe in the whole save yourself for marriage because I think sex is a large contribution to a marriage. I’ll simplify the whole how to turn your man on because there are TONS of little things and plus it depends on the guy.

The thing that will turn a man on is…ENTHUSIAM!!! If he is pleasing you make sure you let him know. Act like you WANT it like you’ve never wanted anything in your life. Make everything big and loud. He might be a little thrown off at first since he’s the held back type but he will appreciate it and he will not be as nervous. Sex is not a big ordeal. Do not make it one because if you do, I can make sure that you will not enjoy it near as much as if you were just taking it as like going out to a movie.

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