Is it weird to fall for someone you barely know?

3-4 days ago I met this guy. We went out yesterday and we kissed, hugged and held hands. I can’t stop thinking about him since then. Is it weird or normal?

Answer #1

I don’t think it’s weird. It’s called hormones and infatuation! Happens to the best of us.

Answer #2

That’s totally normal, just don’t confuse it with actually being in love ;)

Answer #3
  1. Intimacy Inspired Attachment Amplification = Intimacy INTENSIFIES feelings of attachment toward your potential mate. So, since you’ve as you point out, hugged and kissed, it’s natural to feel a stronger sense of bonding than you would normally toward a person who you’ve not been intimate with.

  2. Emotional Momentum = You’re in the state of what you can call the ‘float’ of the emotions you experienced with him around you. The memory of the emotions and the feelings you felt with him around still haven’t dissipated in their impact. As the days go by however, the emotions will slowly dissipate.

  3. Something To Be Careful About = Infatuations and strong emotions of affection toward a potential mate, tend to blur you ability to RATIONALLY judge things. Be aware of that, don’t let the temporary oblivion induced by strong emotions make you do something you would regret later.

Is it normal? - Absolutely. Very normal, in fact. However, don’t over analyze it and project meanings (which are not actually real, but temporarily seem real) onto it under the trance of strong emotions while they still haven’t dissipated yet :)


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