How do I deal with a physically clingy best friend?

I really like my personal space, but my best friend/roommate is constantly violating my bubble. She expects me to hold her hand during nearly every serious conversation we have or whenever she’s happy. She likes to sit practically on top of me and plays with my hair all the time or lays in my lap. She knows I don’t like it, but continues to invade my space and gets moody when I don’t comply. I’ve talked to her several times about it, but she just sits and stares blankly at me. What do I do? I feel anxious and irritable all the time now because of this.

Answer #1

distance yourself from her a her a little

Answer #2

Yea, I understand what you mean I’m the same way, but I have ONE best friend that I do that with and we both are the same way. I think it’s just a sign of your friendship being really close you know… We just are reallly comfortable with each other and we love each other dearly (in a non-sexual way) and it’s not weird, but if some of my other friends did it I would not comply either. But then again when you don’t have anyone that you are that close to it kind of sucks…But my best friend also knows I like my space and I can get irritable and that I’m not necessarily being like that because of her and she knows when to give me my space too… So she should compromise with you a little bit.

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