How can it be unsafe?

Ok, I have a myspace and I just don’t understand why everybody freaks out about talking on the internet. It’s really stupid because the only information people get is the state and city. They don’t even have to get that much imformation. Why do people act like it’s unsafe?

Answer #1

The fundamentals of myspace are safe, the problem is these little kids who go around posting their full addresses and agreeing to meet up with people they meet over the net. Neither Myspace nor the internet are the problem, it’s silly little kids who make these systems unsafe.

Answer #2

well, this was on the news and a girl killed herself cause of myspace. her ex-friends mom was pretending to be some guy and being really nice and stuff and then he said that he didn’t like her so she killed herself.

Answer #3

the STANDARD law abiding user can only see your city/state.

when you registered with Myspace, you prabably entered more information than that. that information is stored on the internet.

The internet has information on everyone. with a name, phone number (cell or otherwise), email address, or any other amount of data that seems fairly harmless, it is possible to find out enough information to make someone’s life a living hell.

heck, an IP address traces back to the physical machine you used to send an email, post to a website etc.

Anyone with internet presence leaves footprints that to a saavy computer user, leads right back to where you are.

Answer #4

Yea, I seen that on Dr. Phil. The point is you can not trust anyone on the internet. Young girls talking with guys they don’t know is silly to me! If I had a daughter there is no way in he*l I would let her chat with onther guys on the internet.

Answer #5

of course its unsafe any chatsite can be potentially dangerouse, especially if you talk to people you dont know if you post dirty pictures, they canb get around…like pics of little teens who pose in there underwear people can be highly influenced by what they see, like yes, that girl among many other people who have killed themselves because of abuse or something else from the net theres a lot of sick people out there… also when you give out personal details like your number or go to meet someone you met on the net… the more information you post about yourself the more people who dont know you do its mainly safe, if you be smart but the intenet can also be a evry dangerouse place

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