how can I stop thinking about suicide?

Crazy thoughts and been very close to doing something. I am scared and have been to doctor who says I am severly depressed and hospital to see a PSYCHOLOGIST who says he don’t beleive I am depressed? I have told them about my thoughts and the doctor said go hospital. I did and the PSYCHOLOGIST said he doesn’t think I’ll do anything???

I am confused, lost, losing touch with reality at times, have suffered delusions, paranoia. I have anxiety and OCD and maybe PTSD. Whatever is going on, I have a mental illness and I am just made to wait for a referal. ? I can’t get any help now that I feel I so desperatly need… I have no one close to me who understands how I feel and they don’t understand how intense I am feeling. No one is listening to me and I want help before I get to the point where I may do something and then it will be too late.. I have 3 wonderful children who need me here but I am losing the will so fast (they do not live with me and have spoken to their mums about how I am feeling and said it is in there interests if I do not see them at the momemt). Someone please help/advise!!! I am going back to hospital today but am anxious that I will just be sent away again will no help…

Answer #1

Hey people! I didn’t want to die but I didn’t know what to do. I was hurting so much and couldn’t stop the pain. I feel a bit foolish now but glad I was there too :-)

You’ll be glad to know that before seeing these comments I found the strength. It took all day sitting at the hospital and in the end for nothing! But I found out for myself that there was no one there but me to help me if I wanted it. I learnt a lot :-)

I was already taking prozac. Doctor wanted to keep me on it but I said no way. Felt even better the first day of not taking it. I now beleive that being on a self realization journey took me to this place of evil so I could feel it, Face it and deal with it. And I have. My head is so much clearer and I am aware of so much more. Felt many emotions on my journey and I don’t know whats next but surly nothing is as bad as that!

I thank you for the support and guidence even if I didn’t see it till after ;-) Good health to you all!

Answer #2

Dont take your life when you cant give life. get it together.I thought about suicide 6 years ago but over came it easily. WE MUST MAKE WHAT WE CAN IN THIS LIFE WE ARE IN..Everyone will not have wealth, good jobs, travel time etc etc. whatever drove you to this. drive away. remember father time has never lost a race and he never will. please dont let evil take control. it is nothing good when evil prevails for a moment. some people say living in hell here on earth and why would God allow no this to enter you. well God does nothing wrong. we have control over how we live from day to day. YOU TAKE CONTROL RIGHT NOW AND STOP GIVING THE enemy GLORY.. GIVE GOD THE GLORY AND ASK HIM, THE HOLY SPIRIT TO COME INTO YOUR LIFE AND HELP CHANGE YOU. NO DOCTORS, THERAPY, KINDRED, FRIENDS ETC CAN SAVE you only you can help you, dont let the enemy do this to you…therers good and evil bad and good positive negative. we all know what results we get with these..take the good atleast you know if you live there is hope…I dont think I need to make any statement as to what happens with the bad. everytime a bad thought enters tell yourself something good

Answer #3

I can relate.. I used to think about suicide a lot… but now that time hass passed I think off alll the new people I’ve met. al the fun I’ve had..and if I wuda really gone through and killled myself. I wudnt have been abe to enjoy myself.. I mean think about you dont know what will tryuly happen when you die! what if when you die.. its even worse?? what if the devil takes your soul… im tellin you just try to look at things positive. that what I try to do. hope it helped :]

Answer #4

look man it sounds like you need some meds ask your doc for some prozac it helpped me.there are millon of people filling this way in these hard times ?but you dont see mas susides happing I think you just neep to man up, do it for your kids

Answer #5

THAT AINT NOTHING BUT THE DEVIL! Dont do it cause that exactly what he wants you to do. Pray and tell him to leave you alone..

Answer #6

tell them that you relly want there help and you know about your feeling better then they do, no matter how much they ask and how detailed awnser you give them you always have a better idea of your feelings!

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