How can I stop acne?

I wash my face a lot ( everynight) and I use ance wash but I get a lot of white heads and I pop them :// I know I shouldn’t but its hard not to like I pop them when there little. But anyways I aslo have little black dots on my face like all most in my pores.. What is it and how can I get it away?

Answer #1

I’ve heard about this acne wash called murad you should look it up and check itt out I’m gonna do it you have to order it off tv or the Internet I think

Answer #2

Keep using the acne wash thing, but never use plain soap, I don’t really know what it does but I’ve noticed whenever I use it I get new spots, and whenever I don’t I don’t get new spots, just use it for the rest of your body. With the whiteheads, you can either leave them be, or if you keep popping them, make sure your hands are clean. Also you could try using a facemask for your pores, they’re really good. Also if you clean your face with hot/warm water, then splash your face with cold water afterwards, hot water dries up your skin. Also, some people say that if you put toothpaste over your spots, it makes them go away, personally I wouldn’t do it because it’s never worked for me so it’s just a waste of toothpaste. I hope this advice works because it seems to work for me.

P.s. If you don’t get rid of them that easily, make sure you keep your good personality because even if people think acne is gross, with a big personality they may still like you.

Answer #3


if you get asprin and eye drops with redness relief make a pasteee. && apply to the activity on your face < 3

pretty much the acitic from the asprin helps dry up the activity and the eye drops help with the redness.. who would of thought ( ;

hope I helpeddd

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