How can I stop acne?

me dad and me mom did’nt have acne at all when tey were growing up and I do. ANd when I get rid of 1 pimple another one pops up please tell me how 2 stop it!!!

Answer #1

GO TO —This will give you all the info you need. First wash your face gently with a sensitive skin soap - even if you have oily skin. Any skin with acne is SENSITIVE skin. Then apply Benzoyl peroxide containing product. 2.5% is the best. (see website). Then moisturize.

Answer #2

proactive is a 50/50 thing. it seems half the people are allergic to it and the others arent, but it is strong and can take care of the problem.

you cant prevent acne all together. you will have to suffer through at least one pimple. but you can control the severity of it. no matter how many times you wash your hands, your skin secretes oils. touching your face puts these oils on your face and causes acne. if your touching your face often, or other people touch your face, stop.

soda is also a big contributor. especially brown soda. so if you can, stop drinking soda al together or at least switch to a clear soda and make sure to balance it out by drinking alot of water.

and dont eat alot of hit fat, greasy, high sugar foods. if you do, dont eat so much of it.

most importantly, wash your face at least two times a day. if your using a basic astringent you should follow it up with a cleasning cream. i use clean & clear which is just as good as proactive and alot less expesnsive. but you should go to a dermatologist to see for sure because everyone is different and things work for others that dont work for everyone else.

Answer #3

pro activ worked really well for me, but i have heard it doesn’t work on certain skin types. Whenever you go to your doctor, ask about your acne, they will perscribe something if it is severe enough, and they also can recomend products. I heard there are pills you can take to stop acne, but I would definately talk to your doctor before you start any serious treatment

Answer #4

these stupid clean and clear cleansers, and bloody pro avtiv, they’re all a totaly waste of money! none of them work, I’ve heard that all top models use Heamorrhoid Cream! I don’t know if its true that it works but im going to try it, I know a few people that have used it so im experimenting on my face now…

  • wash your face, without soap, just warm water.
  • pat dry with a soft towel
  • apply the cream onto the area

do not get into eyes. im trying it now so I dont know if it willl work, and if you wear foundation STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP!!! its the worst thing for spots…it makes it worse, get rid of foundation and wait tilll spots have gone, then you can use it but not loads of it at once, and the best foundation is Mousse… try it…x

Answer #5

Firstly using substances derived from vitamin A like retin-a or tazarotene, to reduce inflammation of the skin and to unplug pores. Retin-A can cause skin reddening at first but this is quite normal as the skin’s blood supply is improved and younger looking skin begins to appear presenting a youthful complexion. Using a product that includes zinc will also help the vitamin a function better. you can find more information at

Answer #6

i had the same problem as you and what you need to do is ask your mom to bring you to the dermetoligist, its a skin doctor, and they should perscribe you some medicine that will help. it worked really really well on my skin.

Answer #7

use pro activ it really work if u get a months supply b4 yhr month is over u feel and see and feel smooth ness and ur face will be clear trust me i use it and i dont know what state u live in but in indiana u can get it at castleton mall

Answer #8

Give up on all those things this will stop the acne for good buy apple cider vinegar take two caps and pour the vinegar in 8 oz of water mix and drink but with a straw it can damage the teeth and also rinse after drinking immediately also you will drink this before meals morning, noon, evening and for the spots apply this also on the face leave it on you will have a beautiful skin again trust me do not feel bad they have major actors and actress who have the same problem elizabeth hurkley, Brad pitts,cameron diaz ,and leonardo di caprio, Ricky martin, Madonna etc many other all these model have their pictures air brush nobody is perfect ok.. many do t not know this oh yeah even catherine zeta jones, sharon stone have scars and they are confident so let nobody tell you diffrent.. God blessed you ..

Answer #9

oh also if youre on the run a lot and find its hard to wash ur face they sell like OXY pads or something like that they come in a lil pouch and u can easlily just go into the bathroom and ten seconds later be clean an du just have to throw it away, somepeople find they sting though depending on how sensative ur skin is Clean and Clear also has oil absorbing sheets which just take the oil off, they dont celan though but they work great and u can also see ur trouble areas!

Answer #10

its all about oil if you can reduce the oil and kepe your face clean your acne will get better

if its reall bad they have medicine that can help

its called minocycline and I take it everyday (I used to have hoorriibbllee acne)

if its just a matter of one or two zits on your face that just come back guess what its going to happen so get used to it lol but just keep your face clean watch out for oily foods and use a cleanser like oil free acne wash or some of those pad wipe things work really well

Answer #11

Strong cleaners will actually make acne worse because they take so much oil out of your skin that your body automatically produces MORE oil, making it worse. What you need to do it buy a gentle cleanser and moisturize with a oil-free lotion.

Answer #12

if u wear make up, don’t. wash ur face with a natural face wash, WITCH products are good, 3 times a day morning , when u get home from school and before u go to bed. maybe buy an overnight cream i have never had acne but i somtimes get blemishes and i used ‘Clearasil Ultra rapis action treatment cream’ , you just put it on your spots overnight and the redness reduces in 3 days, its really good. if u dont want to buy any products, just wash ur face with a natrual liquid hand soap then wash again with cold water 3 times a day same as before, it will take a while to clear up but for the time being it wil reduce redness.

Good Luck.


Answer #13

Oh yeah dont use cean and clear… its got so much alcohol it can make ur face worse (y) xxx

Answer #14

If you wold change your nutrition and eat more live foods and stay away from the “JUNK” you wouldn’t have acne or pimples either.

Answer #15

proacti sucks.. especialy if you have senitive skin..

Answer #16

stop touching your face stop eating pizza pro active <3

Answer #17

its called proactiv

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