How can I shut my mind off to fall asleep?

I cant really sleep at night. I usually fall asleep at like 5 or 7am and wake up at 9 or 10am I’ve even stayed up the entire night and still gone to sleep the next night at the same time its crazy I wish I was tired how can I make myself relax without taking pills or going to a doctor cus I dont have time. my mom thinks im insane and she wants to check me into a hospital cus she thinks its some form of depression but its not I just cant shut my mind off its been going on for months. I need this to stop before school starts please help.

Answer #1

What I do is read the Bible, the book of Psalms relaxes me - some ideas: drinking warm milk before bedtime, taking a warm bath in the evening; exercising vigorously for half an hour in the afternoon, eating a large lunch and then having only a light evening meal at least three hours before bed, avoiding mentally stimulating activities in the evening hours, and making sure to get up early in the morning and to retire to bed at a reasonable hour.

I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

relaxations cd’s , but maybe go get checked out by your doctor.

Good Luck.

Answer #3

Hey what’s up? I understand where exactly where you are coming from on this issue. : ). First off there’s nothing wrong, just sounds like have insomnia. It’s more common than a lot of people think. Has anything in your like changed lately that may have been stressful and has your mind working over-time and won’t shut off the reason you can’t sleep??? Before jumping to the idea of pills have you tried to exhusting yourself before going to bed? Like working out and then chillin out and relaxing with a nice hot bath? Try completely relaxing and getting your mind ready about an hour or so before bed. I’m a pro at it try me I’ve finally mastered sleeping after about a year a so. I’ll be glad to help if need be, just hit me up. I have a cd that might do the the trick for you. Sweet dreams.

Answer #4

LoL! I feel you with the anvil. And the music mostly usually I end up listening to the words. Even soundsscapse keep you up? What works for me are the Thunderstorms/Rain and The Ocean (ooo Tropical) :). I have another that my sleep Dr. gave me it helps clear your mind and it also has muscles relaxation therapy (that one seems to work the best). If all else fails the I take a Ambien CR, I know you said no pills, but that’s how bad mine get at times. If yours is due to stress then you need to figure out a way to calm that down a lil. Too many nights with no sleep can lead to other issues like migraines among other things. I learned the hard way, just do fun things with friends and try to keep your off of whatever issues are causing you to miss your beauty sleep : ).

Answer #5

Well. It usually takes me hours to fall asleep. And when I get sick of trying, I start counting in my head from 10,000 up. Oh my. Most boring thing ever! But boredom is what makes you tired, right? :P

Answer #6

I have the same problem. It takes me froeverrr to fall asleep. It seems like im never tired, even if I really am! I hate it because then at school I look and act like a zombie! Lol. But I know what you mean.

Answer #7

I have the same problem. I swear by relaxing CD’s. The doctors have me on AMbien which is the worst thing in the world. Never take that stuff because it will only make your problems worse. Eat healthy, Exercise, turn on a spa cd as you are getting in bed and start flipping through your fav. magazine, and then you should be out like a light

Answer #8

ill try to find the boringest ( i know thats not a word) cd i can find or something classical i think i there is a pachabell cd thats mixed with ocean sounds around here somewhere ill try to find it. i get migraines too so maybe the cd mixed with some ibuprophin might work.:) thanks for the advice.

Answer #9

well when I exercise I get all energized, cds keep me up, and yeah im stressed about a lot of things. ugh im a mess. I should probobly get someone to hit me with an anvil every night.(im kidding).

Answer #10

When I was in 2nd grade I learned to replay a memorable cartoon in my mind. One where the main character falls into a deep sleep. Picturing the “zzz”‘s and sounding out the snores and deep breathing had a calming effect on me. I was a hyperactive kid and learning to control this turned into a hobby for a while. During the day, try prioritizing whats on your mind by writing your thoughts down and by taking care of as many things as you can. Our bodies have a funny way of working, and if you even subconsciously have something that’s bothering you, your mind has a way of channelling it out physically.

Answer #11

try to relax, let the worries of your day all just kinda fade away and relax, enjoy the peace thats brought with your bed, if you have an old/lumpy bed it can be one reason why it takes you a while, maybe try getting more excersize(not to say that you need it) but it might tire you out more and make you more tired, it could also be one of various sleep disorders which i would recommend going to a doctor/hospital for a sleep study. hope this helped

Answer #12

you could imagine a relaxing word fading away and getting lighter and lighter, or drifting away. it should calm you a little.

Answer #13

I had the same problem.I was stressed out and depressed from school. I would lay there sleeplessly and just wait until my alarm clock went off.what helped me was taking a bubble bth in lavendar scents and trying to let go of all my problems there. when I got out of the bath I would ry off and tell myself that none of these problems can follow me into my room. then when I layed down I closed my eye and thought of good things. or like my dreams and aftera few minutes I would fall alseep. hpe it helps =)

Answer #14

If you were 21, I’d recommend a glass of wine before bed…

Answer #15

Uhhh… INSOMNIAC, maybe?

Answer #16

Good luck with that : ). I’m having one of my own sleepless nights as you might see lol. Nite nite.

Answer #17

hahah i hope not sounds like it though huh? i can sleep it just takes a while.

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