How can I distract myself?

I’ve drunk heaps of water, slept, read, sang and listened to music, smoked a lot, watched tv, gone for walks, had long baths. Basically, I’ve done all the things I enjoy doing as a past time and I still cant distract myself from being hungry.

Why dont I just eat? I’ve no food. I’ve got tea, coffee and skimmed milk. Thats it. Now, im not in a position to buy any food at the moment, so some tips and suggestions would be great. Cheers.

Answer #1

masterbationn :DD [im jokingg] but it may work :D

Answer #2

Cut the coffee and plan a budget.

Answer #3

Order pizza or any other food

Answer #4


Answer #5

chew gum

Answer #6

for my grandma hard candy helps.

Answer #7

hmm this is a hard one have you tried sleeping?? lol that works fine too

Answer #8

you need to find something intense and fun to do so you can keep your mind off of eating thats what I do!

Answer #9

lol drink some coffee a lot of it :D that will help or sleep

Answer #10

I really don’t understand why you dont just.. EAT?!

Answer #11

Lol thanks everyone. Lots of great suggestions. Cheers a lot. :]

Answer #12

thatss the same wit me, I try to chuw qum

Answer #13

Darkred, thanks.. thats Pretty much why I asked the question.. because I cant think of anything To Do.

Hedgecortha, I’ve been drinking coffee like theres no tomorrow.. trust me, im nicely addicted. All its doing is making me wanna pee more tbh. Thanks though.

Answer #14

well theres alway playing a sport! shopping you can get a job computer? swimming listen to music (I find it very hard to eat and listen to my ipod, I just cant do it) or just chill with firends?

Answer #15

I really dont mean to throw this back in your face, its not deliberate.. Buuut:

  • Its 3.30am.. I cant sleep from the coffee. If I cant afford food, how would I afford to go shopping? I basically live on the computer anyway, so it gets tiresome after a while. Swimming at 3.30am is also out of the question… Im currently listening to music and as much as I love it, its seriously not helping. As for friends.. once again its 3.30am. O_O
Answer #16

im planning to sleep once I feel the coffee buzz wear off. Just need something to distract myself til then… Feels like my stomachs gonna rip itself out of my body and then eat me. haha

Answer #17

MAYBE you should eat 5 small meals a day, it should keep you feeling full. I rember I used to ALWAYS be hungry but that helped me a lot and prevents binging.

Answer #18

read a book…a large book…with big words then you’ll be so busy looking up the definitions of those big words that you wont have time to think about being hungry

Answer #19

Go out for a walk Hang with friends read a book do a puzzle listen to music draw something think of something that doesn’t deal with eating uh…I think thats it lol I not good with these type of questions but I gave it my best shot=)

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