Healthy In One Month!!!

hey everyone,

     I have recently been given a great opportunity but only have one month to get in shape! I know most people say running, diet, but I am looking for some specific workouts and/or diets! Thanks soo much:) and please dont put anything mean/rude! BTW I am a soccer player and I have pretty muscular legs.. anyway to tone DOWN those muscles.. thanks!! :)
Answer #1

Yea…start with the basics…sit ups till you puke or pass out…then push ups till you can’t lift your arms or you pass out again…then run…run forest run…till you pass out…yea black outs count…lol. The more you sweat the more water you lose…drink water.lots of water. (PEOPLE…DON’T TELL ME I’m AN IDIOT FOR DOING THIS I ALREADY KNOW) When I have to drop a weight class I put a sweater and a couple layers of clothes on and a trashbag on with holes for my head and arms and sit in my car or a sauna and sweat as much as possible to drain the water and liquid from my skin but it is really dangrous because you can over heat and possibly die if you pass out from dehydration. So drink plenty of water while in there…u need protein like fish and chickin. Just limit how much you eat. No candie or soda and nothing deep fryed and no fast food. If you work out afterwards drink gatorade and water…with your meals have a glass of milk. If you have any questions message me…if you don’t think I know what I’m talking about check out my pictures. Good luck.

Answer #2

yea…because I wouldnt know what im talkin tinatoddler…I have been in body training my whole life and your tellin me that if you loose the water in your fat and skin then it wont deminish the size of the lard in your body? try it…u will loose weight and your fat will thin out and the excercize will burn the fat off… its not that hard to comprehind…please dont say something if you dont know what your talking about…but if you dont bleave me please stick with a wii fit…doubt you can loose anything inna month..but I don’t know…I dont have one so I would not know. I hope I helped. good luck =)

Answer #3

I agee with zoeyredbird,if you get wii fitness vidoe game and if you have the money thou too go it getted then that will be the good chose are if you don’t have the money then just do the sampoll things like runing or jogging and eat healthy and you will defferly will get in shape,my friend.

Answer #4

As far as specific workouts - I find good ideas in magazines- even cosmo had a good one about butt exercises- try magazines like ‘shape’ or ‘womens health’ for some workout ideas- they usually have pictures and descriptions you can just follow along with

Answer #5

^ yeah but losing water weight doesn’t get you in shape.. it makes the number on the scale go down, sure, but you’ll still look and feel like crap.

basically you should, I dunno, eat smaller portions? stop eating junk… and also, do cardio, but strength training as well. this is pretty much common sense. sorry for the uh lack of help.

Answer #6

wii fitness, is fun, gets you fit and its a videogame :)

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