Healing after Spaying

I just got my little chi-wennie spayed 2 days ago. She was almost a year old. She seems like she is in pain and whines when she is trying to sleep. She has never done that before. Is that normal? Her wound looks like it is healing great. It is nice and clean.

Is there anything I can do to ease the pain?

Answer #1

Yes, nothing wrong with calling. I’ve never had a female dog whine, once in awhile they do scratch it open though.

Is she wearing her cone? She should wear it for about 4 days after the surgery. If she’s wearing the cone and whining, it’s likely just because the wound is itching as it heals and she can’t reach it to scratch.

Answer #2

I have a Chi-weenie also, but I call her a Dachsie-huahua. Anyway, it is possible that she is having some discomfort, the yonger they are when they get spayed or neutered the easier it is. You know your pet best, if you think she is uncomfortable, I’d call the vet. That’s what they are there for. Meanwhile watch for any swelling, draining or redness.

Answer #3

I would call the vet if you a worried about it, just to make sure. It only takes a minute to call the vet, so might as well call and find out.

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