he shouldnt have done this

ok my boyfriends(we’ll call him JB) dad decided that JB needed a hair cut. so his dad cut his hair. himself. and through my closed window I could hear JB saying ow so apperently his dad was pushing to hard with the razor. now he has like no hair and JB had to say so on if he even wanted his hair cut! did he have the right to decided just to cut his sons hair?

Answer #1

he doesnt have no right tell hes 18

Answer #2

Yes, he had the right.

Answer #3

I think his dad should of left his hair the way”jb” wanted it

Answer #4

No his dad should let him make his own decisions and mistakes

Answer #5

If JB didn’t want his dad to cut his hair,he had no right at all especially if he refused. I hope he’s ok.

Answer #6

no but dad knows best, I guess but he has to man up to his dad that’s the whole point of matureity. Also we belong to our parents until we’re legal adults.

Answer #7

uhm yes he had the right, see according to the law, kids dont have to many rights… so if parent wants to cut his hair, parent has the “right”. Dont know why he would have though… seems kinda odd…

Answer #8

ok still. I could here him saying OW. in other words his dad was being harsh about it. he could have at least asked hey son its time for a hair cut. how do you want it cut? not give him a damn buzz cut!!! now he is complaing and saying he looks like a fag.

does that seem right? NO

Answer #9

Even if he is his dad, it isn’t like his son’s hair belongs to him. He doesn’t have a right to hurt anybody, his son or not. And to the people commenting above, I’ll just say I’m still a kid (13) and I don’t belong to anyone.

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