He said he would kill me...

Okay, well first of all I love my boyfriend to death I really do but not that long ago we had a conversation because hes leaving for a awhile so I promised not to do anything behind his back he said okay good because if you did I would get someone to kill you..

The worst part, he’s dead serious…

Should I be scared or feel threatened??

Because honestly I dont know why he’s so serious is it because he really cares about me?

Answer #1

dont worry he says that because he loves you too much and he is scared to lose you …dont worry he would never do something like that..beside why are you scared dont you know yourself?? you have a boyfriend and you dont have to do anything else

Answer #2

What the hell! I’d break up with him right away. He obviously doesn’t care about you if he threatens you like that.

Answer #3

If he cared about you he would NOT threaten to kill you or even send someone to kill you. You ARE scared and he DID threaten you.

Answer #4

I agree with all the above, is he mental?

Answer #5

Well I don’t agree with what he did at all but lets be a little understanding…I’m sure he said it cuz he is scared. He is scared you are gonna leave him for someotger guy…honestly you need to confront him and tell him that what he said was uncalled for and to trust you more. If that doesn’t help I guess like everyone else said dump his ass. Find someone who is gonna treat you like a princess

Answer #6

You simply kill him, before he kills you.

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