Having twins??

Since I’m a twin. What are the odds I can get pregnant with twins?

Answer #1

“Identical twins do not run in families and a history of fraternal twins only helps if it comes in on the mother’s side.” http://www.thetech.org/genetics/ask.php?id=86

So I don’t know the odds but if you are a fraternal twin there is some chance.

Answer #2

Nobody in my family ever had twins and nobody in my husband’s family too. But we have identical twins. So go figur.

Answer #3

Your chances are very high, especially if it runs in your family. But I heard of chances of it skipping a generation.

Answer #4

Cool I hava a twin brother and we are a minut apart I hope I have twins if I do have kinds one day

Answer #5

Yea I would like to have twins as well! =) Thats why I was curious about it, My brother and I are 2minutes apart. =p

Answer #6

I, too, am a fraternal twin. except we are both girls. we were concieved two days apart. the chances of you having twins is good, especially if they run on the mothers side {{mine do}}. however, I have also heard about it skipping a generation. I’d say you’re at a 50/50 chance. your brothers chance is a little lower because he is a male {{I dont know how that works}}. p.s. I hope that the “skipping a generation” is just a myth, because I want to have twins. lol.

Answer #7

My sister(trappednwndrland) and I are twins. We are 5 minutes apart. AND SHE CAN HAVE THEM!!! Lol.

It is a high chance that you could have twins. I dont want twins but because it runs in both mine and my boyfriends family and because I am a twin.. I’ll probably get them. Sorry sis.

Answer #8

I don’t know

Answer #9

well it happens to be I’m a fraternal twin. I have a twin brother. =p

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