What do you think I should do?

Ok, so my boyfriend’s working nights but he’s at his house all the time in the day because he only works 1am till 8am. He sleeps in the day but not for all of the day. When he’s working he doesn’t contact me for ages at a time, we have our freedom im not exactly staying in the house by my phone waiting for him to call/text cause I also go out with my friends a lot of the time and im also in work. And also im not asking him to come over all the time when he’s in work because I know he’ll wont want to cause he’s tired. I’d just like a text from him now and again just to know he’s thinking about me and that he’s ok because it’s always me that ends up texting him..I know this probably sounds stupid and such a silly thing to worry about. But I am getting a little bit fed up of being the one making an effort aswell, I always text him when I’ve been working and I work long hours I also dont see him much when I’m in work but I always make sure I text him to tell him I love him and ask how he is and how his day has been. Should I text him or wait until he decides to contact me, and say something to him? we’ve been together 4 and a half years. Thanks for taking the time to read this and any opinions and advice would be appretiated (be nice though :p) thanks x

Answer #1

You should had way better communication skills after 4 years. I think you should talk to him about how you guys can set up some time together.

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