Are finches loud enough in the morning to wake you up?

Answer #1

It depends how close they are to my window. We live in a woods neighbourhood and all types of birds are noisy early around 5 am, it’s usually the Wood Peckers or Blue Jays that wake me up :>

Answer #2

Nope not me but I sleep with background noise going but even if there weren’t any noise I don’t think they would wake me up. Blue Jays wake me up though

Answer #3

sometimes.depends on how tired i am

Answer #4

Lol I don’t think I asked my question clear enough. I meant for those who have pet finches in their room, if they wake them up early in the morning.

Answer #5

Yes then they would wake me

Answer #6

That depends on how heavy a sleeper you are, and how easily you adapt to sound. They may wake you up at first, but it’s one of those sounds that eventually “blends in” so you don’t hear them anymore. I used to put my finches to bed at night by covering their cage with a cloth. They wouldn’t make a peep until I took the cloth off in the morning.

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