Waking me up in the night

My shitzu has just started barking softly at night to get me up he is nine years old when I get up to him he is really pleased to see me. Why do you think he is doing this and how can I stop this

Answer #1

I agree with phrannie.

my basset did the same until I started ignoring her, no she doesn’t do it anymore.

Also just make sure he has done his business outside.

Answer #2

He’s waking you up for attention…and it works…all the better for him :) …Try ignoring him, or pulling him into bed with you…and ignore any attempts to keep you awake. He’ll eventually give up.

Make sure he gets out right before bed, also…these older dogs have a harder time controling their bladders, just like old people…


Answer #3

Did you walk him before bed? Does he have enough food and water? Maybe he heard others in your house moving about? Maybe he’s lonely?

Dogs can do such things for attention. Try finding out why he’s doing it, as we can’t tell you a definite reason, and see if there’s something you can do differently to change it.

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