
How do you lose your stomach but keep everthing else,, with out going all health freak?

Answer #1

eat a lot of protein like chicken or something (Protein Speeds up your metabolism which burns fat) If you eat a lot of grains it will make it harder to lose your belly fat. And drink a lot of water. HERE ARE SOME ABDOMINAL EXCERSIZES Toe touchers - Lay flat on your back and lift your left leg upward toward the ceiling, then try to touch your right hand to your toes on the left foot. It’s a great cross training movement that allows you striate your abs. Make sure to work slowly on this one. Push ups - What push ups? Yes push ups will strengthen your abs, it’s a great movement for the entire core of your body as well as the chest. 3 sets of 25 reps and it should be enough. You should start to feel the burn in your abs on the second set. LEG RAISES - Lie flat on your back, raising both legs from the floor at the same time in a fluid movement. FLUTTER KICKS - Lie on your back with knees bent and your feet flat. Straighten both legs and alternate lifting each leg at 45 to 90 ° angles

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