eating disorders..parent advice/support needed...

I am a mother to a 16 yr old daughter who has been battling anorexia for two years now. She has been in treatment twice and the hospital a few times. Any advice from any parents who have dealt with this themselves and /or are dealing with this. It is such a scary illness and to see my baby girl live with this just kills me everyday. What do you all do to cope and deal with this scary illness? Thanks!

Answer #1

I had a close friend in high school that had bulimia..pretty bad. I stood on the sidelines for awhile. Then I started to help took almost a whole year of constant arguing and confrontations but I helped her to realize she was a beautiful girl. Its an illness within herself. She’s battling her own demons and her own mind. You can’t do too much except be tehre for her and always tell her how beautiful she looks. Good luck.

Answer #2

I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ve put my parents through a lot, and I’ve seen the pain and fear when they think something’s going to happen to me.

I found this site, it gives some tips and stuff, This is more of a community support type thing

See if you cant call any of the treatment centers, or your child’s current nutritionist, or psychologist and find out if there are any support groups in the area for family members…

Answer #3

My daughter fought anorexia for 2 to 2 1/2 years. She was in the hospital once and we tried two different in-patient facilities. The second facility was in Clearwater, Florida and they were wonderful there. It was so very hard watching my daughter go through this. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Hang in there. I know how hard it is, you feel helpless against this disease and all you can do is pray and try and do the best you can. I cried and cried many times about it, feeling like I had failed as a parent. I pray someone can help you all through this and your daughter recovers soon.

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